Dawn Ulmer
New Creation
Published in
8 min readFeb 24, 2023


Photography credit: Dawn Ulmer

Discover the How-To

The world seems a dark place right now with devastating earthquakes, wars that seem to be crashing out of control, disasters at home and abroad, young people becoming more and more violent, the homeless population is growing, borders seem non-existent, politicians lie…on and on it goes.

People world-wide are crying out!

Wilt thou not revive us again: that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Psalm 85:6

Revival As It Happened in Detroit, Michigan in the 1970s

Photography credit: Sincerely Media — Unsplash

Long ago, over 50 years of long ago, I saw God’s Spirit come down as spiritual revival broke out!!!

After a while, as revival died down, as fires tend to do, I longed to see revival again in my lifetime.

Those months were a touch of heaven on earth! Starting in a park with nightly Bible studies, young people came by car, foot and bicycle to hear God’s Word shared. Sitting on the ground or at picnic tables, there was a real hunger and thirst. They didn’t even know what they longed for. They just knew that their present life was unsatisfying.

In the dark corners of the park, the unsavory came to shoot up drugs. It was our hope that they, too, would find and follow Jesus.

As autumn and the colder weather arrived in Detroit, Michigan, it was time to take the Bible studies inside, if we could find a house to shelter us.

YES, doors were opened for us to rent a home which my husband and I shared with 3 young women and 2 young men. Nightly the house was prepared for whatever would happen.

In the door would come those who looked very much like Jesus’ disciples long ago. Some had long hair, some short, some were dressed nicely but most were in jeans and t-shirts. It was a motley crew who gathered, sitting on the living room floor as it was time to sing and learn from the Word….

Photography credit: Jacek Dylag — Unsplash

One young man sat in the corner facing everyone with his guitar, a song on his lips. Since these young people were not brought up to know any hymns, new music flowed all around as the music was written just for us, usually by that young man fresh off the streets.

When it was time for Bible teaching, many opened their Bibles. Most didn’t even own a Bible…yet.

Photography credit: Rod Long — Unsplash

After a few months, when the snow was flying, the Bible studies had grown so large that the basement, first floor and upstairs had people overflowing. Outside on the front porch, many would hang in the windows into the living room. They just wanted to be there and listen.

I always smiled at the sight of a bunch of people tumbling out of an old car which was owned by one of the guys as he picked up people here and there to come to Bible study.

Sometimes there would be a knock at the door and in would come…we knew they were detectives by their build and dress. Along the walls they stood, leaving after they ascertained there was no problem here.

A next door neighbor, a pastor of a church, complained about the activity there. Another pastor from a church downtown came to check out what his daughter was into. Eventually, revival spread to his church which is still going on to this day.

As more and more started following Jesus, some of the young men who had come to know Jesus would be sent out to the nearby high schools and suburbs to tell more young people about the new life they’d found in Jesus. Revival spread!

Photography credit: Matt Donders — Unsplash

After a while, as the season of revival cooled, one by one people drifted away. One couple went to China to share Jesus. Others returned to drugs. One traveled to Mongolia. Some married and had children. Some became social justice warriors but without Jesus. Some got steady jobs and found places to live. Each individual moved closer to God or farther away from Him.

I was 23 when I saw this visitation by God’s Spirit. It is now 50 years later. I’ve been waiting and watching…. HOPING TO SEE REVIVAL AGAIN!

Is Revival Here Now?

Within the last few weeks, I’ve heard and seen what is going on at Asbury College — it is titled a revival.

I see dots all over a map of the United States indicating where other revivals are going on. Now reports from all over the world are coming in — that God’s Spirit is being poured out there, too.

Most of those present are young, college or career age. I see their shining faces, their uplifted arms, their voices praising God. What joy this brings me!!!

Will Revival Last?

No, this level of joy and praising God in these places will probably eventually give way to going back to life as they knew it before….

Yet can this revival in individual hearts remain and grow stronger in the classroom, on the job, at home and on the street?

What is needed individually, for revival to CONTINUE in individual’s hearts?

Photography credit: Aaron Burden — Unsplash


Do we need to find the nearest revival going on and join in?


Revival was never meant to die. The good news about God’s love for mankind arrived with the Lord Jesus Christ’s birth. Because He died in our place, that love from God lives on. Our hearts will remain revived until we breathe our last breath if we listen to God and obey Him.

You CAN have your own personal revival. Like building any structure, each piece is adding to your faith as you are built to maturity in the faith:

1. Have a passion for God and what He wants you to be and do above all else, no matter the cost.
…If we love God, we will do whatever He tells us to do. II John 1:6

2. Learn to be still and listen to God. He speaks in MANY ways!
Be still, and know that I am God…. Psalm 35:10

3. Spend time getting to know Him — dwell in His Word — the scriptures. You can set up a daily reading schedule. Then read until you sense God speaking to you. Every. Single. Day.
…meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it…. (Joshua 1:8)

4. Obey what God gives you to do or be. Consistently! If the Word tells you to put all unprofitable speech behind you, then do so. Keep practicing every day until He tells you the next right thing to do. Then do that. You will be building a godly and good character!
…giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity. For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:5–8
5. Prayerfully live. Sure, you can set aside a certain time to pray each day but it is ALSO good to pray throughout the day. Praying should come as naturally as breathing. It can also be advantageous to grab a small notebook to add people for whom God brings to your mind. They will be your ‘bundle’ for whom you pray and hold close to your heart. Romans 12:12 states we are to be prayerful always!
But when you pray, go away by yourself, all alone, and shut the door behind you and pray to your Father secretly, and your Father, who knows your secrets, will reward you. Matthew 6:6

6. Search out and find sound Biblical teaching. It may be in a church…or not. Maybe it is on You tube or TV. Maybe it is a godly author whose books feed your soul. Be consistent in hearing or reading, applying what you hear.
….they are the sound, wholesome teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ and are the foundation for a godly life. I Timothy 6:3

7. Worship God in music. There are all types of music and songs which can draw you closer to God. Even if you cannot sing, let someone else’s voice or music draw you closer to God.
Sing a new song to the Lord telling about his mighty deeds! For he has won a mighty victory by his power and holiness. Psalm 98:1

8. Find like-minded individuals to add to your life. We become similar to those with whom we hang around. Some may be young, others may be older… search for them and develop those godly friendships. Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:25

Photography credit: Dawn Ulmer

If You Do Those Things

Isa 58:11 The LORD will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail.

A Brief History of Revivals

I’m SURE there were more revivals in the past 2023 years than are discussed by Google: In Europe and British America in the 18th century, revival was driving thousands of people to seek out a personal relationship with God. The whole movement lasted for about 20 years before dying off.

It was followed by another revival, “The Second Great Awakening,” in the 19th century.

And yet another in the late 19th century and early 20th century, which some historians argue should be considered a “Third Great Awakening.”

Do we really want to go a century between revivals? Do we want them to last only 20 years so that they have died out by the time the next generation is born? NO!

Here are some other revivals mentioned in my search on You tube:
1857 New York Revival
1859 Ulster Revival
1906 Azusa Street Revival in California
1907 Korean Revival
1924 Welsh Revival
1949 Scotland Hebrides Revival
1968 Costa Mesa, CA Revival

Let YOUR heart’s revival begin right now!

And now you have become living building-stones for God’s use in building his house. What’s more, you are his holy priests; so come to him — you who are acceptable to him because of Jesus Christ — and offer to God those things that please him. I Peter 2:5

Photography credit: Dawn Ulmer

Thank you for pausing to read!

Dawn Ulmer is the author of “365 Practical Devotions for Anxious Woman” Available on Amazon:

Paperback book
Kindle book



Dawn Ulmer
New Creation

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!