My New Life Experience

Dami Lare
New Creation
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2022
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

My Born Again Experience

In the second semester of my second year of university, in 2013, I was reborn. It happened at a worship service; the preacher delivered an altar call, and I was convicted in my heart, deciding to spend my life for God at that moment, and going forward towards the altar call.

I was reared in a Christian home, worked in a church, and attended all worship services and apprenticeship programs because that is how I was raised. I, on the other hand, lacked a close relationship with God. As a result, when I started university, I decided not to go to church since I didn’t see the point, plus I finally had my freedom.

No, I didn’t. Sundays were instead reserved for rest, laundry, and reading. This continued until one Sunday in the year 100L. I was concerned when I spotted a missed call from my mother at 4 a.m. The call came three times in quick succession, and I didn’t hear anything when I picked it up. I tried calling back, but it didn’t go through. Because I’m a natural worrier with an overactive imagination, I began to imagine all kinds of dangers at home. I couldn’t get back to sleep on a Sunday morning, so I went to church to pray and then called her. I was so out of touch with a church that I had no idea what was going on.

I walked beyond campus to the nearest church, arriving too early during a worker's meeting. I took a seat in the back row and listened to the pastor speak. I realized how much I enjoyed going to church, so I resolved to remain until the end. I purchased a copy of the Open Heaven devotional, from which the pastor was encouraging the employees, and resolved not to miss another service. I went to church every Sunday after that. That day, I called my mother and she said she had never called me before and that nothing was wrong. She doesn’t recall phoning me to this day, therefore I’ve labeled it as my “wakeup call from hell.”

I went to church, listened to the pastor’s sermons, and attended Sunday evening fellowships throughout that year, but I had not yet been born again. I suppose God’s work inside me continued until that afternoon in church when the pastor gave an altar call.

It was different this time. I knew what I was doing and had the confidence and courage to act (Roms 12:3). Other times, in response to the born-again call, I would raise my hands in my seat, but I would not step up to walk to the front because I felt bashful. This time I felt more confident, and it appeared that I was the only person in the room.

I was seated with my buddies, but I didn’t give a damn what other people thought of me. I raised my hand, stood up, and proceeded to the front, where I recited the sinner’s prayer and declared my intention to accept Jesus Christ as my savior!

You come to know him intimately and for yourself as your personal Lord and Savior. He is your personal Lord and Savior, not your family’s Lord and Savior. If you don’t have a genuine relationship with him, you can claim it’s personal.

I felt an inexplicable thrill after the encounter, similar to the feeling you get when you’re in love with someone. I recall telling my roommate a few days later that I couldn’t explain why I was so pleased! The world appeared to

Everything was fine, brighter, and shinier. That is the joy of salvation that the Holy Spirit has placed in our hearts. (12 Psalm 51)

What changed once I was reborn? I started looking for God on purpose. I would get up every morning or go to an open room in my dormitory to read my bible (Psalm 119:147). Before starting my day, I started studying the Bible verse by verse, chapter by chapter. Those notes are still in my possession. It was fantastic. And gradually, change entered my life; I began to see what was wrong with my life and began to make changes (Roms 12:2) I began to see my worth and respect for God in a more positive light, and I began to act accordingly.

I began working for God with a sense of meaning and purpose.

I had already been baptized at the age of 14 after receiving extensive training on what it meant, so I didn’t have to do it again, but I hadn’t yet been filled with the holy spirit in the Holy Spirit. I chose to seek God’s face concerning my baptism in the Holy Ghost during the next mid-semester break. P.U.S.H was in full swing. I grabbed all of the books on speaking in tongues I could acquire (almost ten) and resolved to fast every day until I was baptized. I would get up every day, complete my chores, and then return to my room to study the Bible and read literature on the floor.

I studied the Holy Ghost Baptism and put everything I learned into practice. I didn’t do this for long before I saw God’s presence, and I was baptized in the Holy Ghost in my room that month using the Bible’s word and books by anointed men like Kenneth Hagin and Benny Hinn. Speaking in other languages was one of the gifts that came with my baptism in the Holy Ghost. (Acts 1:12–14)

This week, as I wrap up this series, I’d like to underline the significance of having a PERSONAL relationship with God. We’d all agree that no relationship cannot succeed unless both parties work on it; you’d agree with me that the only way to succeed is for both parties to work on it.

You can be a Christian and say the sinner’s prayer and speak in tongues, which is great; nevertheless, if you don’t take the time to get to know God, your Christian journey will be a failure.

It’s not as difficult as you think; simply commit to spending at least 15 minutes each day in God’s word and prayer, and the results will astound you.

God will always adore you!

The Basics of Salvation Prayer:

Declare Jesus to be Lord in your heart.

Declare Jesus to be Lord with your mouth.

Believe in Jesus’ death for your sins and subsequent resurrection three days later.

Repent of your sins and ask to be baptized in Jesus’ name.

“God, I admit that up until now, I have not spent my life for You. I’ve been living for myself, which is incorrect. I require and desire Your presence in my life. I recognize Your Son Jesus Christ’s finished work on the cross at Calvary in giving His life for me, and I long to embrace the forgiveness you have made available for free to me through this sacrifice. Lord, come into my life right now. Be my master, my Lord, and my Savior, and take up home in my heart. From now on, I will not be dominated by sin or the need to satisfy myself, but will instead follow You throughout my life.”



Dami Lare
New Creation

I'm a voracious reader and a passionate writer who enjoys sharing for the goal of personal development.