Never Get Bitter With God For Any Reason

So many people have allowed bitterness due to their Challenges

Dami Lare
New Creation
2 min readMay 21, 2022


Photo by Alessandro Bellone on Unsplash

Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker….”

Problems, delays, negative situations in life, etc usually make people get bitter with God and make statements like “I won’t pray again”, “I won’t go to Church again”, and “I won’t live a holy life again” etc.

And most times, the devil intentionally organizes/orchestrates such negative situations so that such people can get bitter with God to their detriment.

But I have realized that it is unwise to get bitter with God for any reason, as it usually does more harm than good.

When people get bitter with God and refuse to pray, study the Bible, go to Church, etc, God remains God, but those people live to suffer the consequences of not doing those things.

God is the only one who has almost lasting and true solutions to needs and challenges in life, and what a wise person ought to do is to do everything possible to make God happy and willing to intervene, and not to get bitter with Him or to begin to give Him attitudes.

The truth is that we need God much more than He needs us. He can do without us but we cannot do without Him.

God is the only reason why you and I are still alive today. The life we live and the air in our nostrils belongs to Him; if He decides to withdraw them today, He owes us no apology and there is nothing we can do about it.

Please never allow any devil to succeed in making you get bitter with God for any reason. It is unwise and a waste of time, energy, etc, and does more harm than good.

Please note that the life that God has given to you is more important than any other thing that you need that you may want to get bitter with God about.

It is only a person that is alive that can think of getting married, buying a car, building a house, making money, etc. Once a person drops dead, all those things won’t matter anymore.

So please, learn to live in continual appreciation to God for the gift of life irrespective of what else you don’t yet have. Remember, God is God whether you pray or not, fast or not study His Word. He remains God if you don't pray, He is still God if you pray, He is still God. Your actions ( bitterness) can't dethrone him. He remains God forever.

And never allow any negative situation of life to make you get bitter with God, the only one that has a true and a lasting solution to those needs, challenges, or negative situations.SHALOM.



Dami Lare
New Creation

I'm a voracious reader and a passionate writer who enjoys sharing for the goal of personal development.