New Creation Writers

New Creation Will No Longer Be Accepting Submissions

The publication is closing for a while

Órla K.
New Creation


Image by Waldemar on Unsplash

It is with deep sadness that I am closing the doors of New Creation but I believe it is the right decision for me.

I have thoroughly enjoyed running this publication.

I never once got bored with it.

I loved reading the stories and getting to know you all.

Thank you for being such pleasant people to work with.

Honestly, I have been treated so well by all of you.

No one was rude or nasty to me which was a blessing.

At the beginning, I was a little apprehensive about starting a Christian publication on a secular site as I expected a lot of opposition.

But not one person said a bad word against me or the publication.

It was all positive. This is why I wanted to continue.

However, God is leading me in a new direction. I wanted to continue with New Creation, I had great ideas that I presented to God, but they were not to be (at this time).

For those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about. I was in Europe and I felt led to return to Vietnam where I had previously spent over three years before Covid.

I didn’t think I’d ever return, but God had other plans.

I am here now and Medium is blocked. I wasn’t expecting that to happen. The government blocks certain sites.

In the meantime, Zane Fleming kindly agreed to cover for me while I tried to get in to close the publication. He did a wonderful job!

I plan to reopen New Creation in one year, but I don’t know if that will actually happen.

God is in charge of those things now. I have handed them over because I only get frustrated if I try to do it my way.

I will send out a final newsletter soon as I want to celebrate and thank you all for your wonderful contributions and friendships.

It will also be a good way for you to meet one another.

So, for now, I want to thank you again for being such beautiful people and making my experience as an editor a memorable one.

Love in Christ
Orla. x

But don’t be strangers — keep in touch!

I am still writing and active online, I just won’t be publishing your articles here.

You can find me on Facebook, Substack, Linked In, or at my new coaching school.

I will be developing courses for Christians.

I am also available for one-to-one coaching. Just click the links above and they will take you to my site.

Alternatively, you can email me at:


God has a plan for every one of us, so discover your gift and use it for the glory of God!

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

Jeremiah 29:11



Órla K.
New Creation

Learn about mental, emotional, and spiritual heath. Top writer in Travel. Christian Life Coach/Substack: