Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?

One more opinion…

Karen Vizzard
New Creation
2 min readOct 21, 2023


With Halloween approaching, there is an inevitable increase in pumpkins, skeletons, and “Should Christians…?” content. I live in America, where, according to Investopedia, we currently spend just over $10 billion on candy, costumes, and decorations to celebrate the holiday.

A lit up jack-o-lantern.
Photo by Łukasz Nieścioruk on Unsplash

Along with scary decorations and dubious origins, Halloween brings the question, “should Christians participate?” Bible verses such as 1 Corinthians 9:22 (I have become all things to all people, so that I may by all means save some) and 1 Corinthians 10:23 (all things are permitted, but not all things are of benefit) are used on both sides of the argument, confusing those who genuinely want to do the right thing and are looking for guidance.

My advice is to look for guidance from the Holy Spirit instead of random people on the internet (like me for instance). If you’re questioning whether you should do anything, pray about your specific situation, and then follow the prompting you receive. If you are still uneasy about participating in a certain event after praying, do not join in. If you decide to abstain, stay strong in your conviction. Our main requirement is to follow God, not man.

If you decide to partake in Halloween, I believe you can do it in a way that still glorifies God, by spreading joy and love rather than darkness and fear. I think of my great-grandma who gave out homemade caramel popcorn balls every Halloween. Her treats became so well-known that she would have upward of 200 visitors each year. Walking up her front steps was a source of joy, not fear. Be known as the Christian house with good treats and fun decorations.

We are called to spread the love of God to the world, and can definitely find ways to take advantage of a day when the world literally comes knocking on our doors.



Karen Vizzard
New Creation

Christian, writer, photographer, NASM CPT. See more at There’s a 96.7% chance you‘ll be happy you did! ←not a real statistic