Sunday Prompt

Staying on The Spiritual Path

It can get confusing if you dont pay attention

James Jordan
New Creation
Published in
5 min readOct 10, 2022


Sometimes the path is clear and downhill. Photo by author

Sometimes the path gets a little faded and it's hard to tell exactly where it is. It can get lost by being worn down, overgrown with brush, or it can be hard to see in the dim light. It helps if you at least somewhat know the terrain, know the direction you are headed in and have a compass.

You may be unsure and have to guess at times, but it's a lot better to make an educated guess than to just go on what feels right at the moment.

A writing prompt called “the path” about one’s spirituality caught my attention, and this is the result. The tale of my path.

Like most people, I have had my issues with religion. I have always known religion is just the vehicle. A religious issue is not a spiritual issue to me or vice versa.

At present my religious path is a bit rocky, but my spiritual path is well-marked and comfortable. While they are intertwined, they are two very separate things.



James Jordan
New Creation

Teller of tales, many of which are actually true. Award-winning journalist, and the William Allen White Award for reporting.