Thy Will Be Done

Saying Yes Can Be One of the Hardest Things to Do

Douglas Lim
New Creation


Reflecting on the parts of my day…
Photo by Kazi Mizan on Unsplash

As I sat still in my room after work, I reflected on the parts of the day where I just knew my words, thoughts, and actions fell short of the mark when it came to doing God’s will.

I listened to gossip around the water cooler, grumbled about co-workers who arrived late to a meeting, and honked and sneered at drivers as I headed home.

Even though I prayed to let everything be according to his will that very morning, I still allowed pigheadedness and impatience to get in the way, wanting no one’s will done but mine.

The mantra running through my head echoed more like “I can do anything I want” instead of “I can do anything God wants.”

As Christians, we often hear about the importance of seeking God’s will. But we know that saying yes to him can be one of the hardest things to do, especially when our hearts want something else.

The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears; I have not been rebellious, I have not turned away. (Isaiah 50:5)

The prophet, Isaiah, spoke of the coming of the one who would be fully obedient with an ear open to listen to God. Obedience to his will is important to obtaining the blessings…



Douglas Lim
New Creation

Writer of faith, inspiration, poetry, and spirituality, a self-proclaimed therapist & philosopher. "Light tomorrow with today." —Elizabeth Barrett Browning