Trusting the Lord with all my heart.

The opposite of worry is trust.

Julia Vaughan
New Creation


Trust in the Lord with all your heart

And do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,

And He will make your paths straight.

-Proverbs 3:5–6

Most would say the opposite of worry is peace, but I would say the opposite of worry is trust. Peace flows when we wholeheartedly surrender and trust our Creator.

Silhouette of Father throwing daughter up in the air with one hand next to ocean.
Photo by lauren lulu taylor on Unsplash

Trust in the Lord with all my heart.

I am learning to trust God deeply and with every. little. thing. Trusting Him with all my heart means there is no room for doubt. And to trust Him, I must believe that He is trustworthy.

Have you ever tried trusting someone you don’t know? I can only genuinely trust someone I know well. The truth is, God is faithful and He is worthy of my trust; I know this because I know Him.

I know He cares about every detail of my life and I am valuable to Him.

Do not lean on my own understanding.

I must let go of human understanding and renew my mind; seeking out the Spirit of truth and asking for wisdom.

