What Does It Mean To Have a Heart Like David?

God said, “David is a man after my heart.” Why?

George Blue Kelly
New Creation
Published in
3 min readMar 8, 2022


Photo by George Dolgikh @ Giftpundits.com from Pexels

“David is a man after my heart.” [Act 13:22, 1 Samuel 13:14]

A man with many flaws, to be called, a man after God’s heart, is something that should not be ignored. Among David's atrocities was committing adultery with a man’s wife, impregnating her, and having the husband murdered to cover the scandal.

How then can God delight in such a man?

There’s a lot to learn from the life of David. When we study his life we can see he had a unique personality that made him endearing to God. That in spite of his actions, God still looked beyond his flaws. There are people in the Bible who sinned and were not only punished but were cut off from God. But not David.

David’s secret to being a man after God’s heart, despite his flaws, was his repentant heart.

In 2 Samuel 12:13, after the Prophet Nathan, confronted David of his actions, David said, “I’ve sinned against the LORD.”

When a child says, “I’ve wronged you, Mom. I’m sorry.” How does it make you feel?

On the flip side, how do you feel when a child shows no remorse for their action? Anyone will be enraged.



George Blue Kelly
New Creation

True stories of an immigrant from the shores of Sicily