Cultivating The Art Of Beginning Again

Letting Go…

…and falling into the midst of everything

New Day, New Way
Published in
7 min readDec 30, 2021


“…she opened the clenched fist in her mind and let go and fell into the midst of everything.” —The story of Teijitsu from The Women of the Way: Discovering 2,500 years of Buddhist Wisdom by Sally Tisdale

Difficult change has been thrust upon all of us over the past several years and throughout our lives. We often fail to see that what we experience in life will not last forever. We suffer when the reality of constant change does not conform to our unrealistic view of permanence.

As we practice living more mindfully, we can begin to directly experience for ourselves that everything changes. Buddhist philosophy teaches us that we suffer when we cling, push away, or simply do not recognize the fleeting nature of reality. So how do we let go of those tightly clenched fists within the mind? Is it really possible to eventually fall into the midst of everything? Answering for yourself will require courage and clarity.

There is so much that we must work through in life, such as shedding the ignorance of limiting beliefs and egoic-driven identities that include false narratives and well-crafted stories. We also must reconcile self-destructive and outwardly harmful behaviors, which have caused so…



New Day, New Way

Expats living in Amsterdam. Elevating consciousness and inviting more playfulness into life 🪁🚲🕺May we all be happy.