In My Name:

Vincent O. Oshin
New Day Pilgrims
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2023

Understanding Submission to Christ’s Sovereign Rule.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

The Crown, Staff of office, the Specter, Insignia, Identity card, and Certificate are terms used to describe symbols of authority — attesting to the legal status of an individual recognized by local, national, and international communities. The King’s emissary (messenger) carrying the specter of office of the king is accorded the same respect, honor, and obedience due to the king at any event.

The messenger does not use the king’s symbol of authority outside of the king’s domain or against the king’s will and expects to be in good standing with the king.

By the same token, the medals and badges of honor on the uniform of a military officer are a glaring testimonial to the rank of the officer, in the Army.

Military and civilian servants of the state carry out their duties within the boundaries laid out in their job description. They are not allowed to go about touting the powers delegated to them indiscriminately. To do so is to break their rules of engagement and cannot expect to have the back of the state.

Jesus, after rising from the dead, announced to his disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” “Therefore go…” (Matt. 28:14–16).

He had promised them that they would do greater things in his name:

In John 14: 14, he said to them:

Truly, truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do, and greater works than these will he do because I am going to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Jesus’ work reflects the glory of God and his obedience to the Father. Our spiritual destiny lies in seeking to know the Person of the One who embodies the ultimate Truth and glory of God the Father.

Our goal is to be equipped to do the works Christ did. Jesus made the Name and Person of God known and accessible to Jews and Gentiles. It is the core of Christ’s commission to his disciples: “Take the Good news to the world and encourage fellow disciples to do likewise.”

Believers will accomplish all things — calling sinners and setting them free by the power in the Name of Jesus alone. No other name strikes terror in the heart of demons. No other name can heal and bring peace.

God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name (Philippians 2:9).

In the Name of Jesus, we are reminded of what and whom we live for — the purpose, power, and Person behind a gospel-driven life.

In John 14, Jesus was yet to fulfill his earthly ministry of defeating sin, Satan, and death at the cross. But once his work was finished, the disciples had access to the Holy Spirit and were able to tap into the promise of the resurrected Christ to do greater works.

Jesus did not say, “Whatever you want, just ask and I will make sure you receive it.” He was not speaking about stuff — not about health, wealth, and happiness. His promise was conditional upon the disciples’ willingness to ask in keeping with the will and glory of God. The key question is “Am I asking for God to be glorified or for my own glory?”

As John Piper puts it, “The theme of a self-glorifying prayer is “do this for me, Lord”, but a God-glorifying prayer says, “Your will be done, Lord.”

Everything a believer aims to accomplish in God’s will is impossible without God’s supernatural action — such that in the end He takes the glory. When a believer aims to do something “greater” than himself or herself, he/she does not simply ask for the Lord’s stamp of approval. Rather, he/she asks “if it is the Lord’s will.”

God’s purpose in our lives, is not to give us all that we want. He would be a malleable and insecure God to do that. But the Almighty, Creator God is bigger than all our wants and sees far beyond our immediate needs and wants. Our needs? Sure He will always provide but for our wants, He chooses to say No or Yes, When and How.

Righteousness is playing by the rules of the Sovereign Lord. It is the meaning of praying or doing our ministry IN THE NAME of Jesus. Doing things in his name is walking in his steps. Keep in mind, it is not by power and not by might but by His Spirit. Our righteousness before Him is like a filthy rag.

We have ourselves to blame when we pray and fast for days and weeks on top of hills and mountains without tangible answers to our prayers. Sadly when some Christians pray and fast for health and wealth without getting what they want within a timeframe, they turn to the enemy — trading their souls for stuff.

To be honest, fallen humans, Christians not exempt, are prone to doing things our own ways. Foolishly we think we can twist God’s hands with our fasting and religious gimmicks. But no way; His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways His ways (Isaiah 55:8).

