The Rock That is Higher Than I!

Vincent O. Oshin
New Day Pilgrims
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2023
Photo by Jonny Clow on Unsplash

I woke up today, October 31, with a heart of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord — for His goodness to me personally, granting me sound health and peace of mind. How I thank Him for gifting me with my wife, a loving, kind, and compassionate woman, specially packaged for me; and our boys, imbued with excellent spirit — shining brightly in the Church of Christ, and their workplace. It is always our delight to be in the company of their wives and our grandchildren.

“The line, indeed, has fallen unto us in pleasant places; We have a goodly heritage” — in the Lord.

There’s so much to say about a phenomenon — the Rock: The capital city of Ogun state in Nigeria is ‘Abeokuta’ meaning Under the Rock. It underscores the historic significance of Olumo Rock to the people. History has it that the indigenous Egba people of the area took refuge under the rock during the Yoruba wars. They were safe and secured from the hordes of ravaging warriors in the area during the 18th/19th centuries. Think about it, the official residence of the Nigerian president is Aso Rock.

You can only imagine what that means in terms of securing the life of the president.

There’s the Rock of Gibraltar. According to ancient myths fostered by the Greeks, and later perpetuated by the Romans, the rock was one of the two traditional pillars of Hercules that marked the limit to the known world, although the Phonecians had sailed beyond this point into the Atlantic.

The Rock of Gibraltar, near the Southwestern tip of Europe on the Iberian peninsular, is surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea. From the unknown to the known.

Inspired by ODB devotional, sharing Psalm 61, I recall how as little children under the loving care of our parents we were at the top of the world. We were happy and contented — regardless of our social, and material status. Protected from earthly concerns, we felt safe and secure. Whenever we were scared by a bully in the neighborhood, we ran back home and took refuge under the wings of our parents.

But as we grew up and ventured out to school — in the boarding house and College campuses, we were on our own. We find ourselves like the psalmist, at “the ends of the earth” pleading “Lead me to the rock that is higher than I” (v.2).

Believers in Christ are favored by the Lord. Regardless of their location and status, they are assured of the presence of the one eternal Rock — Rock of Ages.

“The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms…” (Deuteronomy 33:27).

“The name of the LORD is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into it and is safe.” (Proverbs 18:10.

Folks, Are you walking in His righteousness?

What’s more, you can sing, “Rock of Age cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.”

If you have your Bible, read and take ownership of Psalm 91:

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust…”

Remain blessed.

