After I turned 30, I woke up

The brief story of how I started the awakening process, part two

I tried to build a friendship with the gal I met at the Harmonic Convergence. She admitted to feeling what happened when we watched the ET Earth Mission video together. I hoped she’d become my girlfriend, but she moved to LA and stopped responding to me.

Compelled to continue whatever had started in me, I contacted a local woman involved with the ET Earth Mission and began a friendship with her. I joined another friend in a weekend workshop where the facilitator helped to connect my spirit into my body. The workshop transformed me, but what happened afterward was more profound.

During an evening walk on the beach near my apartment, I experienced what the ET Earth Mission work called a spirit descension. It felt as if a massive funnel opened up in the sky above me. For the first time, my spirit inhabited my body. I returned to the apartment and lay on the floor, immobilized and terrified. It felt like beings huddled around me to help my spirit to finish its landing.

Days later, I quit my job. I had no savings, just my last paycheck. And no idea of what I’d do next. I just knew I had to leave. After spending a few weeks on the floor, fluctuating between profound spiritual connection and cellular-emotional terror, I had to make a move, as I didn’t have enough money for another month’s rent.

My ET Earth Mission friend said her home was a mission base and invited me to stay there while we discovered what would happen next. I moved into the foyer. We watched the ET Earth Mission videos, listened to their audio tapes, met with others drawn to the work, and attended a weekend workshop offered by a pair of traveling channelers awakened by ZaviRah and Ziva’rah. The couple lived in their van and travelled around doing individual and group sessions to pay for food and gas. They shared how they had left ordinary lives to do the work and how the universe supported them through the difficult transition. After the workshop, they returned to Sedona, where the ET Earth Mission channelers lived.

I felt compelled to go to Sedona, to find out what this movement was all about. Nearly out of cash, I lived off of credit cards and skipped my car payment. During the trip, I learned that the ET Earth Mission was not a community, and I was on my own. I called one of the van travelers and asked her for guidance. She asked if I was truly called to live in the “new world,” as the ET Earth Mission called it, and asked if I still had juice to take part in the “old world.” As everyone I’d met so far had been a spiritual channeler, and I did not see myself becoming that, I interviewed for two jobs there. Got one firm job offer and a tentative. Neither felt right. Sedona didn’t feel right. I returned to SoCal.

Back at my friend’s ET Earth Mission base, I had a series of highly unusual experiences.

After returning from a mountain hike, I broke out with a severe case of poison ivy. No health insurance. My friend did hands on healing and it literally went away in a day.

Next, I experienced what’s called a walk-in, where another spirit cohabitates in one’s body. My friend said she was a walk-in as well, and that she saw her original spirit walk into the desert one day after her current self walked in. After a day and a half of cohabitating with that being, I decided that was enough. The being left.

After that, I spent a day in bed, debilitated, exhausted, and infused with spiritual energy. I asked the energy what was going on. “We’re preparing you for the other,” a voice replied.

Our ET Earth Mission group continued to meet. We felt something powerful coming together. We were all broke, so we talked about how we could collaborate and follow the ET Earth Mission model, hosting workshops and sessions to earn money. New people came into our circle. Then, suddenly, the energy collapsed. It was over, just like that.

Our financial situations closed in fast. After three months of no payments and continued spending, my credit cards and car loan faced delinquency. I learned my friend paid her bills through parental financial support, and they just cut her off. With credit default and homelessness fast approaching, I saw no choice but to get a job. Facing the prospect of not having a car, I interviewed with a company nearby. The owner insisted on pulling financial reports as a condition of hiring me. I refused.

I received a car repossession notice. If I didn’t make my next payment and commit to a make-up plan, I’d be homeless without a car. I went back to my old employer and asked for my job back. They offered to re-hire me under the condition that I would stay long term. I agreed.

My housemate got her old job back as well. I moved into the garage and paid rent. She got back on track with her house payments. We escaped homelessness at the cost of our souls. Our individual lives degraded into the unhealthy habits and patterns that defined us before getting involved with the ET Earth Mission.

After half a year of that, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I got down on my knees and prayed, “Jesus, bring me the woman of my heart.”

I knew I had to get out of that house. Fast. I moved into the first cheap apartment I found near work, a roach-infested shit-hole soaked in pesticides. No furniture, so I slept on a blanket on the floor. The nightmare continued for several months.

Until another day of destiny arrived.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.