Facing the fear of assassination

If I stand up and do what I’m here to do, will someone kill me?

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Mother told me about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Two iconic figures from 20th century America. They took a stand for a big vision that would change the destiny of humanity. Someone killed them for doing so.

She told me stories about her Hawaiian lineage. Ancestors who defended the Hawaiian Kingdom against European and American interests. Opposing their loss of sovereignty and cultural identity came at a high price. They ended up arrested, murdered, or sentenced to death for their parts in the Counter-Revolution of 1895.

The assassination attempt on former President Trump marked a change in the historical narrative. I’m not here to comment on the man’s political views. I recognize the fact he takes a bold stand in the world for his beliefs and he perseveres despite being very unpopular with many humans. Trump’s assassination would have imprinted a new generational trauma on his supporters and the nation. His death would have reinforced the narrative; challenging the current power structure results in death or imprisonment. Except he didn’t die.

The failed assassination rewrites history for me. I can take a stand and survive any attack that comes my way. Trump’s experience becomes a real-life point of reference.

What does this all mean to me? The vision I’m here to build will be very unpopular. In a future Earth society strapped for resources, where the problems threatening our survival appear greater than our capacity to solve them, I will propose that we go to Mars and build colonies, and launch an interstellar mission to do the same outside our solar system. Lots of humans won’t be okay with that. Elite power players that run global affairs will say my proposals challenge the approved narrative. Will they try to assassinate me?

No. Because I say so. The 1960s started a change in human consciousness that continues today. The New Earth timeline is upon us. That timeline gives me divine authority to do what I’m doing.

To survive, I must remain neutral in the face of extreme polarity. As I walk through a world where two timelines co-exist — the technocracy and the New Earth — how do I stay neutral when my deepest moral core becomes offended? The psychological need to prepare myself for what’s coming weighs on my mind, body, and soul. The moral dilemma of profiting from the technocracy to fund my part in the New Earth feels unreconcilable.

I will bear witness to the technocracy’s injustices, atrocities, and crimes of galactic proportion. Why? Because I already am today. I will watch as sleeping humanity builds its own prison under the guise of technological advancement and economic prosperity. My wealth and privilege will enable me to walk free as humanity marches to the precipice of total enslavement.

I will join forces with many brave humans who know their divine authority, as I do. They will awaken the humans, ready to build the communities that will anchor the New Earth. I will support emerging leaders and mentor them through the collective journey to fulfill their missions.

The two realities will co-exist. Humans will organize their lives around the world they resonate with. Technocracy or New Destiny. Fear or love. Dependence or independence. Slavery or sovereignty. Obedience or surrender. Catastrophe or destiny.

Then one day, the moment will come. The opening where it all can change. The fear-based reality will collapse and the love-based reality will overwrite it. We’ll all live in peace and harmony as our new destiny begins and we go forth to build a new civilization together.

Council-in-training is a fictional character from a forthcoming novel series by Author Jeffrey Griffith.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.