Letters to My Granddaughter #2 — Polarization

In the first letter, I promised I’m gonna tell you what’s going down in our world. What is the great deception hiding in plain sight? The illusion we’re all being called to see through right now?

This is what I believe. This is what I know. I’m a spirit having a human experience. And everything else is a story.

Someone — some group of entities whose movements I can see but whose motives elude me — is orchestrating the investment of a lot of time, money, and human energy to promote a big story they want us to subscribe to. An idealistic future state “humanocracy” enabled by technology innovation and regulation that solves the problems we created through decades of misapplying our existing technologies and regulations. We’ll fix these problems by tokenizing every little piece of the Earth, we’ll manage it all on the blockchain, automate and optimize everything with AI, and then control human activity with digital identities and currencies to incentivize new behaviors and stop us from perpetuating the problems.

What could possibly go wrong?

They’re very busy these days trying to convince us on many media channels and through many institutions that their big story is our future reality. They invite us to invest in it emotionally and financially, to devote our careers to it. They ask us to rearrange our lives around it. And they expect us to trust them to lead us into this reality. They assume we will just give away our authority to them.

Lydia’s response to that? No f-ing way.

Who is this group of entities? That is the question. I promised you I’d answer the question, and what extraterrestrials have to do with all of it? Here’s my answer. All of my research analysis led me to the conclusion this group of entities behind this big story is connected with extraterrestrials. I can’t name them. I don’t know who they are or where they’re from. But I see them. I see what they’re doing. I see the evidence. I see how it’s impacting the planet… and me… and you.

And… it’s just a story. This is a free will planet. It’s your choice to believe and act on their story, or to become the author of your own story. The story your spirit calls you create in this lifetime.

What is the great deception? Polarization.

That is their secret weapon. They have most of us fooled right now. We don’t see that everything they’re doing is intentionally designed to polarize humans. For this person, against this person. For this group, against this group. For this choice, against this choice. For this cause, against this cause. For this nation, against this nation. You have to pick a side!

And while we’re all busy fighting with each other over which side is right, they’re busy rolling out their agenda right in front of our eyes. Except we don’t see it. We’re too busy arguing our side or attacking those who do not believe our side is the right way, the way that it is.

Are you allowing yourself to be manipulated into believing their big story is your truth?

I’m here to remind you, it’s not the truth. It’s just a story. You know that. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived. If they hook you… and they will… learn how to snap out of it. Fast. Get back to being who you are and what you came here to do.

Granddaughter, in my time, these entities have started herding humanity into energetic slavery. To domesticate us, if you will. Like humans in my time domesticate cattle and chickens and pigs to feed off of their flesh, milk, and eggs. But they won’t eat our flesh. They’ll feed off our emotions and the negative corruption of our life force while we lose ourselves in immersive experiences and buy useless digital possessions in the metaverse.

This is nothing new. Humans have been enslaved by these entities before. My research said we’ve replayed this cycle five times before, and now we’re on the sixth iteration. But, this time is different.

What they’re doing now — a full global takeover — hasn’t been attempted since Atlantis. Well, one could argue they tried through the European expansionism and colonialism that rose with the Industrial Revolution, but I would argue that was more of a competition between nations than a tightly coordinated, centralized effort. At any rate, they keep learning from our collective responses and their failures. They’re smarter now. And they have mass media communications and legal and financial systems unlike anything that existed in the past.

If enough of us allow ourselves to be deceived and we go along with building the story they’re selling, we will look around one day and find ourselves enslaved in a system we may never be able to escape. That’s why we have to wake up. There’s no time to waste. The walls are closing in.

I know this sounds dire. But remember, it didn’t work in Atlantis. I don’t think it’s going to work now. Humans are too smart and too stubborn. In our heart of hearts, we know it’s our right to be free spirits. We know this is a free will planet.

And, human trauma can make it easy to forget that. We’ve already been hurt. A lot. Many of us carry generations of trauma from our ancestors in our bodies. The trauma distorts our memory and our vision.

We have to get over it. They’re doing everything in their power to re-stimulate the old traumas and to generate new traumas from it. They intend to have us construct new identities around this trauma. Identities loyal to their agenda. If we allow this, they will continue to inflict damage on us and the planet, and they will enslave us again. It might take 30 or 40 years, but it will happen…if we let it happen.

Granddaughter, by the time you read this, you may be living in that world. I hope my generation doesn’t fail you. Believe me, I know how much it hurts. I know how devastating the trauma can be, and how hard it is to get over it. But until we face it, and transform it, we remain vulnerable.

The way I see it, now is the time for us to see the bigger picture. A bigger picture than their big story. It’s time to wake up and do what our spirits are calling us to do. It won’t be easy. The time’s not right quite yet for our collective consciousness to turn the tide. It will require a great deal of faith from each and every one of us who chooses to answer the call.

“What are you called to do, Lydia?” Next time, I’ll start showing you the evidence.

Lydia Taylor is a fictional character from a forthcoming novel series by Author Jeffrey Griffith.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.