Letters to my Granddaughter #8 — The Unified Self

Returning to wholeness requires a new identity, one not defined by “the matrix”

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Identity politics feels like a treacherous topic to write about in these times. But that’s not what I’m doing. I’m building on a classic quote from my favorite movie, The Matrix. “The matrix cannot tell you who you are,” Trinity said.

This letter is guaranteed to piss someone off. It might even attract chatbots that’ll try to shame me and attempt to discredit me. Bring it.

Granddaughter, the mainstream media channels in my time have been co-opted to serve a singular purpose: to convince humanity that we are victims.

Media puppeteers spin a narrative to convince us we’re incapable of taking care of ourselves. They’re telling us to think we need all-knowing overlords to oversee and direct our lives. But they have a problem. We’re not buying it.

Well, some of us aren’t. I’ll be the first to admit I’m biased, but I see what I see. Many humans have adopted socially acceptable identities rooted in victimhood. It might not look like that on the surface. Some impose their identity on others and demand that we join them in celebrating their uniqueness without respect for ours. Others cry out in offense or disappointment about their personal tragedy and flounder in powerlessness over their circumstances. Society rewards these behaviors with various forms of media validation, financial and social assistance. All designed to create a co-dependency relationship with the overlords’ agenda.

I believe we are spirits having a human experience. That is my identity at the core. By definition, that means that we are not victims. We are highly intelligent co-creators with universal intelligence. However, there is one aspect of Earth reality that still baffles me, in the context if this truth. Why do we choose these horrifying and toxic human experiences?

My letter “The Trauma” gave you insight into my human experience growing up. I believe I chose the life I’ve lived before I came to Earth. Psychologically, I still struggle to comprehend what happened to me and why I chose those experiences. I’ve done the hard work to ease the pain and suffering they inflicted on my human suit. The trauma doesn’t run my life like it once did. But I still don’t understand why I chose it.

The people I’ve met who subscribe to the New Earth picture of reality advocate healing from trauma as the path to spiritual liberation. I’ve bought in to a certain extent, I suppose. Though I keep asking myself questions. How do you fully recover from these traumas? How do you forgive and forget when men who saw you as a disposable toy raped and beat you within an inch of your life? How do you release the shame and guilt of complying with a political agenda that made you the instrument of mass murder? How do you let go of complex PSTD caused by a society that throws a single mother with a toddler onto the street with no money, forcing her into prostitution in order to survive, while her child witnesses the acts?

Sometimes, the horror of being human is more than I can bear.

We all have a story to tell. Perhaps more people than I know have escaped the impact of trauma. I’ve only met a few. Every friend I’ve ever had suffered from a version of the trauma I experienced growing up. And our traumas paled compared to what our ancestors went through.

The challenge before humanity is to get over it. Somehow, collectively, we must reunite the fragmented self. Living in the New Earth means living in the unified self, as best we can. There’s no place for violence, exploitation, or victimhood in the New Earth.

Lydia Taylor is a fictional character from a forthcoming novel series by Author Jeffrey Griffith.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.