New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Author Jeffrey Griffith at your service. I invite you to join me on an epic journey as humanity faces the biggest decision of our lives.

I’m here on this platform to conduct a bold experiment

This article launches a transmedia extension of an epic storyworld. The storyworld spans two novel series, three genres, four protagonists, and five decades in the near-future timeline of our collective journey through humanity’s spiritual awakening.

Three characters exist as emerging adults in the present day. Each has a unique perspective on the current events shaping their future. Each character writes articles to explore the big ideas that define their identity, mission, and purpose in life.

Council-in-training, aka Jason Stewart, a pivotal character whose destiny spans the entire timeline. He holds the keys to liberating the collective human spirit. Jason writes to come to terms with our world today and how global changes portent a future Earth like the one he experienced on an alien world.

Aventurine, aka Alana Cooper, heiress to a materials mining dynasty. An idealist on a mission to convince the world our climate change agenda ignores the whole picture. Human activity barrels into ecological overshoot while we pander to carbon fears. How do we course correct?

Lydia Taylor, author of the paranormal and conspiracy realist article series Letters to My Granddaughter. Her namesake in the near-future storyworld. Lydia schools her readers on nature of mass deception and the forces of darkness and light shaping humanity’s destiny.

Why am I doing this?

Writing’s easy for me. Editing two complex, multi-genre book series is not.

I feel a sense of urgency to publish now. Our world is changing, fast. Trying to incorporate these characters’ thought processes into the novels would bog the pacing down. I don’t want to do that. I want the books to be a great reader experience.

My promise to you: Jason, Alana, and Lydia will challenge you to see our world with different eyes. My future self hopes that, when you read my novels, you’ll reflect on these articles with a smile and you’ll see how they shaped the storyworld. Or, you’ll discover them after reading the novels, and say “wow.”

Here we go! If you feel your spirit calling, come along for the ride.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.