Pyramid consciousness, part 2 — the inverted society

If my life is an immersive dystopian streaming series, what have I subscribed to?

Here is the image of an upside-down pyramid visualizing a five-tier technocratic society. The pyramid is divided into five horizontal layers, each with its own color and symbol representing different social strata, set against a futuristic cityscape background.

If my life is an immersive dystopian streaming series, what have I subscribed to?

I’ve been thinking a lot about where society is heading. The inverted pyramid consciousness shows up in my daily life. I see what kind of society I live in today. And want to know what that society might look like 40 years from now.

What follows might look like a cognitive leap. The words that best describe the inverted society I see don’t line up with popular rhetoric. The goal here is to describe in as-neutral-as-possible terms the society born of inverted pyramid consciousness. I’m not looking to create more polarization. However, I foresee this emerging social order will become the definition of our society in the coming decades… unless we choose to take a collective stand. And we still have time to choose.

The emerging social order

The inverted pyramid construct defines five classes that build and operate society:

- Elites sit at the top of the pyramid and run the agenda.

- Managers follow the direction of the Elites to implement their agenda.

- Workers execute the plans devised by the Managers. Or, they provide services to the Elites, Managers, and high-earning Workers to support their busy lives and reward their efforts.

- BINCs comprise a large, basic income population that has opted out of the Workers class or society has rejected as Workers. Dependents on society for their survival.

- Alternativists reject the social order, and have built their own version of an independent life; however, most continue to have dependencies on society for survival.

Historically, this social order remained hidden by the illusion of a free market economy. Mobile technology and social media enabled authors and creators like me to reveal clues. We’re seeing how the game has been rigged for a long time. The economy exists to harvest and funnel resources into the hands of the Elites to fund their agenda. The social order makes it happen.

The following percentages show how the population might be distributed in the future. Note, the numbers are for illustrative purposes only, and do not represent a scientific or statistical study. Each class has a relationship to safety that’s defined by the dangerous world the society creates.

The 1%: Elites appear to have all the wealth, prestige, and relationships necessary to run society. However, they are the most controlled of all citizens. The dark force that runs through our world directs their actions. Elites tend to be born of family bloodlines that chose many generations ago to impose the agenda on humanity. They’ve passed on their wealth and obligations to each new generation. Occasionally, an extraordinary individual arises from the Manager class to join the Elites. Safety comes from belonging to the Elites class and ruling over the world.

The 6%: Managers are the most ambitious of the Workers class. In this context, the Manager is an archetype, not a job title. A C-suite executive, a lead scientist, or a principal technical architect could be a Manager. They earn a promotion from the Workers class by demonstrating the willingness and ability to lead organizations and teams to implement the direction of the Elites. They’re rewarded with luxuries and privileges not afforded to Workers. Managers tend to be the most intelligent society members; thus, some Managers aspire to become Alternativists by accumulating wealth to buy their way out (“retire”) of the system. Those allowed to “escape” usually have a financial or contractual hook that keeps them subscribed to the agenda or contractually bound to protect it. The hook gives the Elites leverage to take down anyone who becomes a problem. Safety comes from being able to accumulate wealth, enjoy privileges, and eventually buy their escape.

The 33%: Workers follow the direction of Managers in exchange for the next level of survival above the BINCs. As their ability to contribute to the agenda increases, so does their compensation, and some can afford a modicum of privileges. They may have bought into the illusion that this inverted society provides safety, security, and prosperity for all, and they’re happy about their jobs. Or, as the current majority appears to feel, they have no other choice. Because becoming a BINC is the only other option for survival. Their job provides safety from the dangers the BINCs face.

40%: BINCs receive just enough to survive “for free” in exchange for total compliance with the agenda. With rare exceptions, these individuals carry too much trauma to make sovereign life choices. They’re relieved to accept help or have become incapable of caring for themselves. Living in BINC communities can be dangerous. Angry or ambitious BINCs can perpetrate crimes of all kinds. The Elites use spending on and by the BINCs to fund businesses that serve the agenda. They tell society that basic income provides safety and security for our most fragile citizens. And they scare the Workers and Managers into compliance with the agenda. Do your job, or end up as a BINC. You’re lucky to have a job, so you’re responsible for supporting the BINCs through taxes and donations. Pay your taxes to fund the society that will keep you safe from this dangerous class of people.

20%: Alternativists are the independents, the outsiders, and the rebels. Mainstream media and cancel culture brand them as dangerous and may even demonize them as enemies of social order. Alternativists tend to seek safety through like-minded community, and align in groups based on ethnicity, ideology, or religion. A rare few achieve entrepreneurial success and wealth, or build self-sufficient lifestyles. The rest end up as struggling farmers or entrepreneurs or in some form of service relationship to society in order to survive. Pride sustains the illusion they live a sovereign life outside of society. And society undermines their prosperity to force them to join the Workers or the BINCs.

Here’s the secret the Elites know. We live on a free will planet. They must get us to agree to take part in their agenda. They do this by creating a dangerous world and then promising to keep us safe if we comply with the agenda. And that agreement starts at birth. Our family defines which class we’ll live our life in. We learn the agreement from our parent(s) and schooling. Of course, there is some movement between classes. But the emerging trend suggests more citizens are moving into the BINCs and Alterativists classes, creating a more intense illusion of danger to motivate the Managers and the Workers to build global technology systems that keep society and the Elites safe.

This leaves me sitting with big questions. If the core issue of “I am not safe” runs everyone, including the Elites… and this dark force I’ve referred to runs the Elites… Who is this dark force? What does it get out of all this? Why are we subscribing to its reality construct? How do we unsubscribe? And when will we exercise our free will to do it?

I believe we can flip our relationship to the pyramid. There’s a way to use the inherent power of the construct to energize our purpose. To do so, we must flip our relationship to safety.

Council-in-training is a fictional character from a forthcoming novel series by Author Jeffrey Griffith.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.