Technocracy, Technopoly, or Technopolis? The end.

Call me whichever T word you want. Danger is my middle name.

Last time I shared my research about Technocracy, Technopoly, and Technopolis. I won’t use those words any longer to describe what humanity is dealing with here on planet Earth. These three words anchor the inversion of a powerful structure of consciousness. I’ll call it pyramid consciousness going forward.

Great pyramids from human history, at least the foundational elements built in stone, exist on our planet today. Forbidden archaeologists and conspiracy theories propagate all kinds of ideas about how they were used. You’ve probably read some of these accounts. We can also find pyramids used in modern architecture and corporate logos. What does it all mean?

In the next few articles, I hope to reveal the underlying structure of consciousness. It looks to me like inverted pyramid consciousness has been used to humanity’s detriment to create an illusion of enslavement. The inverted pyramid amplifies a core human issue, “I am not safe.”

Ignored or misunderstood until recently by psychologists and spiritualists, “I am not safe” has been recognized as a core issue that impacts the human psyche. Or, as I see it, has allowed humanity to be manipulated by the threat of ever-present danger. Up until now.

Danger. When you observe mainstream media today — be it the news or social feeds — do you find overwhelming streams of content about how dangerous the world is today? The polycrisis. Climate change. Extreme weather. Plastic pollution. Environmental toxins. Species extinction. Ecosystem collapse. The next pandemic. Wars and threats of wars. The collapse of the dollar. Layoffs. Homelessness. Illegal migration. Crime. Assault. Theft. Violence. Murder. Food shortages. Starvation threats. Farmland takeover. And on and on…

Do your instincts or feelings ever tell you this might be staged? That a few dramatic and traumatic incidents are being amplified into existential threats to humanity? That some of these traumatic incidents look so suspiciously manufactured that they no longer hold any credibility?

A growing number of voices in independent media cry out, “this is all by design.” No doubt there are real problems that exist in the physical world. Yet and more humans are concluding there is a narrative being laid on top of these events.

The deep, underlying message of the narrative? Danger. I am not safe.

The authors of this pervasive global narrative hope that we’ll see them as a force of good that will protect us from all these dangers. They promise a comprehensive global roadmap based in advanced technology that will provide safety, security, and prosperity for all who enroll in the plan. They promise that implementing the plan will protect the prosperity that innovative and hard-working citizens have already built, while also correcting global inequities and lifting up our fellow humans who’ve been trapped in lives of poverty and danger into healthier, dignified lives.

It’s a noble vision. I want to help build a world like that. More than that, I know that humanity has a new destiny in store that’s beyond this illusion of danger in our faces right now. A new destiny grounded in love, spiritual sovereignty, unprecedented human cooperation, and a deep respect for nature and all of life. A new destiny that elevates us to do great things and to realize our full spiritual potential in human form.

For the millions of us who feel we are a part of this new destiny, we know that safety lies in remembering. This new destiny is emerging right now. The transformation will take time. It could happen fast. Or it could take a lot longer than we want it to. So we do what’s ours to do, day by day, while we witness the divine plan unfolding. Meanwhile, the 24x7 broadcast narrative of danger does not define reality for us, despite what we feel or experience on any given day.

Let’s face is, this is a difficult time to be a human. From the media’s perspective, it looks and feels like society has been turned upside down. But when I go for a walk around town or spend time in nature, I see that life goes on. I see moments of wonder and beauty. Let’s show ourselves some grace. There’s a long road ahead. A marathon, not a sprint. Let’s take the time to take care of ourselves along the way.

The key discernment for me at this moment in history? My instincts tell me the authors of the narrative do not share my new destiny vision. In fact, they intend to prevent it. The authors have another purpose in mind for us.

In the next article, look for a structural definition of inverted pyramid consciousness. I’ll describe what it looks like and how it’s designed to keep its’ subscribers trapped in fear.

Council-in-training is a fictional character from a forthcoming novel series by Author Jeffrey Griffith.



Author Jeffrey Griffith
New Destiny or Technocracy? You decide.

Playing the long game to become a great author. I publish articles written by fictional characters and discoveries from my author journey.