2024 Akashic Forecast: Redefining Yourself

This is a Year Unlike Any Other

Ahna Hendrix
New Earth Consciousness
6 min readJan 1, 2024


Photo by Daria Tumanova on Unsplash

This is the 2024 Akashic Forecast channeled for the listeners of the Soul Driven Podcast. I highly recommend listening to the in-depth episode, which includes a channeled Akashic Forecast message, a breakdown, and resources to utilize in 2024! Click HERE to listen.

Today, we’re diving into the 2024 Akashic Forecast and its theme “Redefining Yourself” to uncover what the Akasha forecasts for the year ahead and the energy we’ll be experiencing.

The year 2024 is a Dragon year (Chinese astrology), an 8-year (numerology), and a Strength year (tarot). And because Pluto is transitioning into Aquarius full-time this year, it’s the beginning of a NEW 20-year cycle!

Suffice it to say, 2024 is a MAJOR shift in energy, priorities, and direction. Therefore, the more intention you bring to entering it and working through it — the Better.

Visit the landing page for this episode for 12 journaling prompts to help you close down 2023 and prepare for 2024!

“For this is a year unlike any other.

That which was burdened is being undone. Lives are being ripped open. There will be much to say, much, much for us to share with you about this time and event.

For it truly is pushing things in a completely different direction, pulling them up from the earth, allowing them to come through the sky.

The sky, the sky, oh my, the sky, you will look to it for words and messages, for direction in your everyday, for you will feel so lost and yet so rightly found.

It won’t be easy, friends, to find your way. “

My Friends, here comes 2024 — I welcome it with you! We were made for these times. We have ALL that we’ll ever need at this very moment. And I’m honored to walk these paths with you.

Let me know how it resonates and may it offer you encouragement and love for the year ahead!

Finally, for the in-depth, 70-minute 2024 Akashic Forecast that includes themes, challenges, blessings, etc., check out the 2024 Astrological & Akashic Forecast Toolkit. Learn more here.


“ There are things here that you haven’t seen before.

Yes, yes, so many things coming at you at one time. We know that this volume has been accelerating for quite some time.

But what’s important for you to know is that now the crescendos are beginning to take place. The explosions in the sky. The loud, capitulating voices echoing from one room to another, bouncing back and forth from here to there. There will be light, there will be sound.

For there will be so much crackling in the wind, heads rising up, palms turned outward, blazing into the sun. The bright, beautiful sun overhead, she draws ever more near, placing her weight and bounty upon you, ensuring that nothing can hold you back.

Nothing can be hidden. Nothing can step outside of her light, for there will be so much coming forward, rising up, newness to see.

For this is a year unlike any other.

That which was burdened is being undone. Lives are being ripped open. There will be much to say, much, much for us to share with you about this time and event.

For it truly is pushing things in a completely different direction, pulling them up from the earth, allowing them to come through the sky.

The sky, the sky, oh my, the sky, you will look to it for words and messages, for direction in your everyday, for you will feel so lost and yet so rightly found.

It won’t be easy, friends, to find your way.

This is why we have spoken for so long about the importance of learning how to bear down into the ground, finding your solid foundation underneath. But know that all that is taking place must take place.

It too will offer up great power like none before. Within the self, within your heart, for it will tear you open to all that lies beneath.

You won’t be able to hide from yourself anymore. The dreams that you have dreamed, the wants that you have held, the things that you have been chasing, if only in your mind — why it will seem almost unbearable to not have them within your grasp.

Know that this will be your year if you have been waiting patiently to gain the mountaintops to jump off of.

For those who have been biding their time, know that this will be your time. But even still, great discernment will be the tool that you utilize moving forward. Discern, discern. Discern for yourself. Discern for the world at large.

But know that your perspective is simply your own. This is something you will come into greater understanding about. And no, no, you will not blend into others the way that you have before.

For you have been finding your own two feet, the road that they are walking. And you will be able to see a beautiful convergence of the path that you walk with others doing the same on their own. There will be more splits and upheavals.

There will be people taking sides. Polarity will rise to a deafening level. Yet you must do your best to stand firm in the middle. See both sides. See all sides. Knowing that, you will never know it all. Knowing that, there is great wisdom in even trying to understand that which you fully disagree with.

Know that love will come forward on the planet like never before.

In new waves, it will rush forward. It will rush forward even the depths of you, picking you up, throwing you down, swirling you around. For now is the time. Now, now, is when the big Shift fully begins to take root and all that has been coming up to this moment.

For you have been in preparation, you see, learning how to withstand so much of what you will be experiencing in this year. Learning how to come into new relationship with yourself, so that you could show up differently. So that you would be aware, present, in the reality of all that is taking place around you and on the planet at large.

For again we say, there will be so much happening, and at such a rapid speed. Taking your time will be of utmost importance. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who can assist in lifting you up, as you all lift each other up will be crucial moving forward.

Try not to allow yourself to get distracted by all the happenings in the outside world for there will be much. Oh, yes, so, so much. But what is important for you, what is relevant for you, is that which is taking place in your world.

Know that you will all be called differently. But regardless of that calling, you must care for yourself. For if you do not, then you will be of no assistance to others. For this ability to leave oneself behind is diminishing at a rapid rate and will not be possible soon enough.

The collective must break and fall so that it can be rebuilt. The systems and structures, the leaders that do not serve must go. One by one, they will be taken off their platforms. One by one, these things will crumble to the ground. One by one, you will see religions, philosophies, ideas that have held great weight in this world begin to soften in their ability to impact as they lose power. As they come into a realization that their services are no longer needed. c

For there will be newness rising up, newness taking place. And stepping forward, you will not be able to turn back. For there will be no turning back.

No, no, the past will be the past. And this fight between what is good and right will no longer matter. For you will be taking things one day at a time. As that will be all your systems can handle.

And all that is best for you to handle.

Know that this year is going to be a big one. It’s going to require so much for you. But if you wish to make an impact in this world, if you wish to do the work to ready yourself, to increase your understanding, expand and grow then you will benefit rightly.

For those who feel called will do so at this time, even as the world lurches, even as it is overcome.

Take care with those around you, knowing that everyone is on their own path.

Show respect and kindness, and simply be on your way when things do not align. Find faith and hope, and love within your heart.

Show this towards others and move at a pace that feels most right for you.”

Thank you for reading! Learn about the Akashic Records or join my newsletter community for resources, podcast updates, and more!



Ahna Hendrix
New Earth Consciousness

Spiritual Guide. Akashic Channel. Intuitive Healer. Teacher. Podcaster. When we invest in ourselves, the world benefits. http://ahnahendrix.com