2025 Akashic Forecast: Convergence
How Will We Move Forward?
This is the Akashic Forecast for 2025 as channeled for the listeners of the Soul Driven Podcast. I highly recommend listening to enjoy the fullness and healing energy of the Akasha. Click HERE to listen.
Today, we’re diving into the expansiveness of 2025, the 10 Akashic themes (if you check out the podcast episode), and much more in preparation for a massive year of change and transformation.
The year 2025 brings forward a convergence of what we’ve been working on since 2019 and all that’s to come — a melding between the individual and the collective, and the many intricacies of this transition.
The 2025 Akashic themes are: Love, Death, Togetherness, Individuality, Decisiveness, Creation, Body, Movement from Head to Heart, Fear, and Energy Management.
“There is nothing that is happening to you but everything that is happening for you. And for the planet at large. The question simply is, how will you show up? Who will you choose to be in these times? And how will you make your way through?”
Enjoy and let me know how it resonates!
“There are great unwindings and undoings, sands that are shifting, opening up alleyways, thoughts raining down, stems striving up, movement reshaping.
That which is above will come below, and that which is below will rise above. This will be a great convergence of so much that has been taking place over the past decade.
Yes, yes, decade indeed. For there have been so many things that have needed to take place. Stopping the button, pressing pause. A reshifting of all that was.
For you must understand that this began long, long ago. It’s not as if it has just happened overnight or even in the past several years. No, no, what has been taking place has been taking place for a very long time.
It is all by design, of course.
For humanity is ready to step in, to go the extra distance, to put its feet in places where it has not been before, to live with water up to its neck, to know no limits or bounds. And yet to be in the midst of reshaping everything.
There will be tides that come forward, and those that will go out. The fish will be singing in the deepest depths of the oceans. The birds will be hearing all of the melodies that Mother Earth is pushing forward as things shift and change.
It is within the hearts of mankind that all is truly changing, transforming. Eyes are not able to be covered up, bridled over anymore. Hands are open, palms extended. Things are in such a different way.
For the energy that you are stepping into is going to rip you wide open from the deepest of your seams. It’s going to ask more of you than has ever been so before and it will call you to the front, to attention without unbridled words and difficult ways of making your way through.
What is taking place now and what you are stepping into, is a time that has never existed on this planet before.
All of mankind has come together to decide, how will we move forward? What is it that we will do? What decisions will we make for ourselves? How will we open up so that all that must be released will go?
Rock walls will crumble. Trees will shake and fall over. Waves will overcome much. The earth will open up and tremble before all that is taking place.
And yet, even in the midst of this, you will find that solid ground beneath you, if that is what you choose to do. Coming back to you as a person and the ways in which you’ll be navigating as you move forward are so many of the things that we have been talking about for some time now.
The peace that is within, the ways in which you can hold on to that which is around you. Surrounding yourself in community, having shoulders to cry upon, to hold you up, to steady you when things do not feel secure.
Now is the time to become one with nature. Now is the time to open yourself up to that which is around you.
And yet also, to pull back when needed. Coming back to the silence that is within. Remembering who you are in the midst of it.
Know that humanity is going to go through so many different tests this year. For this is truly a year of testing. Decisions must be made.
Staying at home all the time isn’t going to serve you the way it did before. For you will be able to see the chaos and calamity in the eyes of others. And this will make you feel felt and seen.
The sands will shift. The tides will come. That which is underneath will come above, that which is above will come down.
What we would like to most suggest for these times is for you to remember so much of what we have been teaching you, what we have been showing you, what has been coming forward for you in the midst of releasing all that you’ve been stepping through in 2024.
This is a great opening into a new time, into a new year.
Allowing yourself to welcome it in, and yet understanding that there is quicksand beneath. For you will catch glimpses, moments, of what is taking place, and then it will be gone again.
We know that all of this may sound like much confusion, and that is certainly what will be taking place. You must remember the role of distractions, and how much they will be coming forward, left, right, and center — through the media, through the people around you, through the places that you go, wishing to take you off track.
But if you are tuning into the words that we speak, we wish to bring you back to center, to remind you that you are here for more, that you are here for a purpose, and that you are needed on the planet at this time.
In opening yourself up to this, and allowing yourself to be led by your hand, by your heart, by the divine guidance that is within, you will find your place.
Do not expect this year to be easy. Do not expect it to be without issues, shake-ups, break-ups in every sense of the word.
This again is why it’s so important for you to find that solid ground that is beneath. For you to understand the practices that bring you home and back to center. That you touch in, tune in, to that which is within.
Your body and caring for it is going to be of utmost importance, for it will be taking the brunt of all that is taking place. Not only in your exterior world, but all that is within.
Therefore, nurture your body. Care for it. Otherwise, you will find yourself in a desperate position, regardless of how this is showing up for you. For the body is fragile and is meant to be lived through with care.
We entreat for you to know and to remember all that you are made of. And also that you have chosen to be here during this time.
There is nothing that is happening to you but everything that is happening for you. And for the planet at large. The question simply is, how will you show up? Who will you choose to be in these times? And how will you make your way through?
Remember that you are the creator of your experience, that your words weave spells around you, and that keeping control of your mind is of utmost importance.
Do not allow yourself to get lost in fear or the worries and concerns of others. Stay firmly grounded in who you are, and what is here for you, and what you are being asked to wade through at any given time.
Take great care of your energy. Be mindful of who and what you surround yourself with, what you digest, what you read, what you take in. Be mindful of when you need downtime. Take rest for yourself.
Remembering again that this will be a year of convergence. So many things coming together to undo. So much that has been built up for so long.”
Thank you for reading! Learn more about the Akashic Records, join The Soul Driven Collective, apply for an Akashic Transformational Mentorship, or check out my monthly workshops!