3 powerful tools to regain confidence when you lost your balance.

Execute them consistently and you are bound to be successful.

New Earth Consciousness
4 min readAug 13, 2023


Photo by Maria Lysenko on Unsplash

Sometimes, life can be tough.

Even if you are typically a strong, disciplined, engaged, joyful and overall balanced person, there are days when Life challenges you.

Throwing you off balance.

Suddenly, you feel down, lost, weak, confused.

You wonder: ‘where is my confidence, my power, my trust?’

It happens. It is part of being human.

Here are 3 tools to regain confidence when you have lost your balance:

1. Anchoring your Self into Earth

2. Alignment of your Self with Spirit

3. Activation of your Tiny habits Protocol

Anchoring your Self into Earth

Take a minute to pause. Close you eyes. Connect yourself with the stable, grounded energy of Earth. Connect your pelvis to the ground energy. Imagine a vertical line, pulling your energy down into the earth from the bottom of your spine further down inside the Earth.

Imagine diving deeper and deeper, through the layers of mass. Feel the weight, the stable, safe, grounded, unshakeable, unmovable energy of the Earth. The quiet, stable ground. Your trustworthy foundation. Feel yourself as a tiny, minuscule speck of dust, resting on that immense Earth body. Sense into this stable Energy.

Alignment of your Self with Spirit

Take a minute to pause. Sit down. Close your eyes. Straighten your spine. From the Pelvis, sense the vertical line that flows up through your spine, through your neck, pulling up through the tip of your head.

Follow that energy upwards, as if you were held by a rope, up into the sky. Connect to an imaginary point, roughly 1 meter over your head. Breath through that vertical line into that point. This is your point of connection with Spirit energetically. Your highest potential. Sense into this alignment.

Now, blend those 2 energies. Inhale the energy of the Earth up, exhale the energy of Spirit down . Breath up the Earth, Breathe down the Spirit.

Real confidence, trust and safety emerges when our personality, our character operates in coherence with Source.

When we are anchored into the Earth and aligned to Spirit, we are energetically coherent with Source.

Source is the foundation of inner wisdom, trust, confidence, safety.

What is wonderful is that we all have access to this infinite power and confidence. This Source energy, it’s always there. Accessible to you. Available.

Right here, right now.

Connect to it.

From that space of grounded alignment , activate your tiny habits protocol.

Activation of your Tiny Habits Protocol

We are humans. Creatures of habits. When we feel down, and we don’t feel the strength, the will to operate at our best, it is extremely useful to fall back on a list of tiny practices which you know are good for you.

Tiny habits are practices, resources that nurture your soul, that make you feel good in body, mind, emotions, spirit. Deeply aligned to your needs.

You recognize, with great compassion and empathy, that when the human experience is challenging it is not easy to keep up with good habits and therefore you take the tiniest possible step for each of your good habits.

  • You like meditating? Then meditate, for only one minute
  • You enjoy running ? then run but only for 5 minutes
  • Cooking gives you pleasure? Cook the easiest, simplest meal
  • Music lifts you up? Listen to one song

These are habits you should not think about. Just execute them blindly, whether you feel like it or not. Blindly trusting the process.

Trust that by persistently and consistently executing those tiny habits, you are bound to improve your state of being.

You free your mind of trying to make sense of things.

This gives a great sense of relief. You relinquish control.

You consciously decide to follow.

Once you’ve executed a tiny habit: CELEBRATE!

Recognize, appreciate yourself for the gift of the tiny. Feel the celebration. From that space of celebration , start again tomorrow.

Free yourself from the dependency on your will, and trust. Patiently and persistently, by repeating the tiny habits protocol, you’re bound to be successful. Consistency is the key.

Below is my own Tiny Habits Protocol:

So, next time life knocks you down and you feel powerless, consider applying those 3 tools.

I hope this is useful to you.



New Earth Consciousness

I write about discovering the extraordinary power of waking up in ordinary life. Heartful living, love, spirituality, sexuality, (open) relationships.