3 Weird Signs that Your Soul Has Awakened

You are not going mad!

Kashish Gambhir
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readJun 20, 2024


Signs that Your Soul Has Awakened Symptoms
Signs that Your Soul Has Awakened | Image Credits: Imagen

Spiritual journey can be a weird experience and today we are going to discuss 3 signs that will tell you that your soul has awakened.

Here are three unusual indicators that your spiritual awakening is underway:

1. You Sense Energies: Good and Bad

One of the first signs that will tell you that your soul has awakened is the heightened sensitivity to energies around you.

You might start feeling positive and negative vibes from people, places, and situations.

This can be a bit overwhelming at first, but it’s your soul’s way of telling you that you have awakened to an all new level of consciousness, and you can sense what’s on the way.

BELIEVE in this inner wisdom and calling. Trust your intuition and pay attention to these energetic signals.

Sometimes, people around us, like our family members or friends, who have not yet gone through the awakening, may start terming us as ‘mad person or mental’, but we must not pay heed to such labels.

Instead, as our soul has awakens, we must become a better human being by simply reacting or replying calmly. Listen and let go. Practice this if you can’t do that yet.

You are much stronger in your Soul now and nothing — absolutely NO labels and comments can now affect you in a way they used to affect previously.

Understand this amazing strength that you can draw from your soul and surround yourself with like-minded people.

You can simply find such people or community online (if not offline), and knowing the similar experiences of others who have awakened, will keep you sane and grounded.

2. You Can See Spirits

Although not everyone will experience this, many people on their spiritual journey begin to see or sense spirits. This could happen in visions, or even as fleeting glimpses or flashes in your daily life.

While it might sound strange, this ability is a sign that you are connecting with realms beyond the physical. If you do encounter spirits, remember to stay calm and seek guidance if needed.

Also note that it’s important that we move beyond this ‘spirit’ experience on our spiritual journey. There is much to experience beyond this realm.

When going through such experiences, it’s important that you take help of an experienced spiritual guide who can help you navigate the path with ease by sharing with you the next steps to take in order for you to get rid of these spirits.

If nothing is done about the spirits, these experiences usually increase and people around you will take no time in labeling you as someone who is mad, when in truth you are just on your path to awakening; only that you’re going in the other direction inside of you (know that this can be stopped and it should be stopped).

3. You Start Experiencing the Illogical and Questioning Reality

As your soul awakens, you may find yourself questioning the nature of reality altogether. Things that once seemed concrete and logical might start to appear dreamlike.

Soul awakening meaning
Soul Awakening Symptoms | Image Credits: Imagen

This shift in perception is a natural part of spiritual growth, pushing you to explore deeper truths and understandings about the world and your place in it.

You may also start wondering and questioning what is there beyond the concepts of eating, drinking and sleeping.

These signs of soul awakening can feel strange and unsettling at times.

But know that they are a part of your spiritual evolution.

Welcome these experiences, seek support if needed, and trust that you are on the path to greater spiritual awareness.

Bonus Tip:

Every time you upgrade a little bit in your consciousness, you may feel like vomiting with a little sparkle of change in your perception of things around you.

You may not understand the reason completely but now you know what it is 🙂

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Kashish Gambhir is Spiritual Consultant from India (29 yrs experience). She helps people find their best spiritual path and technique that may help their soul to progress in the quickest way possible in this very lifetime.

Having walked the spiritual path for more than 25 years, and having explored almost every technique, method and different religions, along with getting training under one of the greatest spiritual teachers, today Kashish can save at least 9–10 years of exploration on one’s spiritual journey.



Kashish Gambhir
New Earth Consciousness

29 years; helping individuals accelerate their spiritual journeys, saving 9-10 years of exploration ✦Book Free Discovery Call ✦ https://subscribepage.io/XVdEFb