4 Reasons The Universe Is Presenting You With A Karmic Lesson

“Karmic lessons aren’t to discourage you; they are to help you.”

Ari Love
New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Suhash Villuri on Unsplash

One way to develop spiritually and master the self is through various life lessons. Whenever we fall short, these lessons become a karmic lesson. A karmic lesson is a situation or theme you continuously repeat until you learn from it. Karma is energy that can be positive or negative. For this article, I will focus more on the unpleasant themes so we understand why we face challenging lessons.

Below, I list a few signs (and reasons) you are receiving karmic/life lessons.

№1 Failed Lesson

Repetition of a theme or situation means you’re receiving a karmic lesson. For example, you continuously find yourself in a situation where you are being mistreated. This is recurring because you have not learned to stand up for yourself. This mistreatment will continue until you are bold enough to confront these bullies and end the karmic cycle.

Standing up for yourself is an important life lesson because it indicates the student is building self-confidence and embracing self-love. These two qualities are vital on the journey to self-mastery.

№2 Face Your Fears



New Earth Consciousness
New Earth Consciousness

Published in New Earth Consciousness

Earth’s ascension to a spiritual 5th Dimension is accelerating, bringing new opportunities to create a better world for all. ‘New Earth Consciousness’ supports this transformation by publishing heart centered writings on Ascension/Awakening, Channelings, and Other Insights.

Ari Love
Ari Love

Written by Ari Love

Sassy, solo-traveling, free-spirited chick, writing about love, healing, awakening, and spiritual stuff. I play by my own rules, wanna play?

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