4 Steps to see your Aura

If you want to see your Aura just follow the 4 next steps

New Earth Consciousness


Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

As you know I’m super interested in Auras, I think they can say a lot about us, about others, and about our mental and physical states.

I’m trying some meditation exercises and trying to see my Aura, I haven’t been able to yet but I know we also need patience and you don’t learn something that important overnight. My mom tells me to try this way, so I’m sharing a family secret.

I’m sure these 4 steps will help!

1 → Sit in front of a mirror with a plain light-colored wall behind you.

2 → Take a deep breath to relax. Gently relax your face, shoulders, and body.

3 → As you look at yourself in the mirror, start to relax your eyes so that you begin to lose focus.

4 → Now set your sight about 1 inch (3 cm) from your head.

At any moment your Aura will make a beautiful entrance. It will appear as a white glow emanating from your head and body. It will tend a disappear if you change your focus.

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New Earth Consciousness

The Creator of "The Stardust Club" Publication. Show me your support @martahenriques46