5 New Years Goals for an Ascending Being

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readDec 31, 2023


(Reyna Park ‘23)

I love planning for the future and making small changes in my life that help me reach my goals!

As an ascending spiritual being, my main goal is to cultivate ascension energy.

Ascension is successful transfer of one’s consciousness from the current 3rd/4th dimension to the incoming 5th dimension. Energy is needed to undergo this 5D transition as we shift into the New Earth.

We will need to hold abundant energy in our bodies to be compatible with the incoming dimensional leap. When we cultivate sufficient ascension energy, our souls enter the New Earth.° The ascension timeline is now underway! The time to cultivate ascension energy is here.

Other words for ascension energy are higher consciousness, divinity, Sacred Fire, Source energy, and blue starphire.

There are certain things we can do to build lifestyles that are compatible with the 5th dimension. My lifestyle will be changing this year now that I am more aware of the conditions needed to cultivate ascension energy.

Right now, I live much of my old conditioning in harmful ways. Unconsciously I hold on to fear and doubt. I drink alcohol and eat factory-farmed foods, which poison my body, and look at screens at night, which damages my sleep cycle. These habits and more can be easily adjusted.

