5 Physical Symptoms Associated with Ascension

#2 : A heightened awareness of your senses

New Earth Consciousness
4 min readJun 15, 2024


Photo by Sandi Benedicta on Unsplash

Our planet is undergoing a profound transformation, receiving a continuous stream of cosmic upgrades. This energetic influx is awakening dormant parts of ourselves, propelling us towards a 5D state of being. These solar flares are not just bursts of light; they are doorways to higher consciousness. This process also involves the integration of these higher energies on a physical level. Our bodies are adapting to this influx of energy, which is what we’re experiencing now. If you’re experiencing seemingly random transitions, it might be a sign you’re integrating these higher frequencies.

"Just as a caterpillar must transform into a butterfly, so too must humanity evolve to a higher state of being." - David Suzuki

Here are some physical effects that might be accompanying the ascension and evolution..

  1. Changes in Appetite:

As new energy integrates into our physical bodies, one of the most noticeable signs is the way it affects our appetite. You might experience seemingly random fluctuations, feeling hungrier than usual at times and having no desire to eat at others. This isn’t about external factors like a busy schedule or skipped meals. It’s your body’s way of adjusting to the energetic shifts. This energetic shift can also extend to your sense of taste. Familiar foods you once enjoyed may suddenly taste different, or you might find yourself drawn to flavors you wouldn’t have considered before. These changes are all part of the body’s adaptation process as it integrates these higher energies.

2. Intensified Senses:

As your body integrates new energy, you might experience a heightened awareness of your senses. Sounds might become richer, colors more vibrant, and even tastes could take on a new dimension. Loud music might give way to a preference for calming melodies, and harsh lighting might be replaced with a desire for softer environments. Your taste buds might be seeking subtler flavors for a while. This isn’t about deprivation, but rather a refinement of your senses.

It’s like your body is upgrading its sensory experience, allowing you to appreciate the world in a more nuanced way

You might find yourself naturally gravitating towards environments that feel more balanced and harmonious.

3. Headaches:

Another symptom you might encounter is unusual headaches. These can feel different from your regular ones, perhaps like a brewing migraine, a sinus pressure build-up, or even a sharp pain on one side of your head. They can come and go unexpectedly. These headaches are simply your body’s way of processing the new energy and are temporary.

4. Sleep Disturbances :

You might also be noticing some interesting changes in your sleep patterns lately. One common experience is feeling a surge to sleep much sooner than usual.

On the other hand, for some falling asleep might also feel a little more challenging than usual.

Or, you might also find yourself experiencing periods of unexpected wakefulness, particularly between the intriguing hours of 3 am and 5 am. It can feel like a sudden jolt, an internal alarm clock going off just as you’re drifting into a deeper sleep.

No matter what sleep disruptions you’re experiencing, remember, this is temporary. Think of it as your body’s way of processing and integrating new energy. Trust the process and let it move through you.

5. Changes in body energy levels :

You might experience a natural shift in energy levels. This could manifest as feeling more fatigued or needing to pace yourself more than usual. It’s your body’s way of saying "slow down and integrate." You might find your workouts feeling different or requiring adjustments. Similarly, your social needs might change. You might feel a stronger pull towards introspection or spending time in nature. Listen to your inner compass and prioritize activities that feel nourishing.

Closing Remarks:

These adjustments are simply your body’s incredible way of integrating and adapting to a new energetic reality. It’s like leveling up to experience higher frequencies! While you might experience some temporary changes, remember, there’s no need for concern. This is a sign of positive transformation. Listen to your body’s wisdom, give it the care it needs during this time.

"Listen to your body. It will tell you everything you need to know." - Deepak Chopra

Instead of pushing through or ignoring these temporary symptoms, see them as valuable guides. Tune out the external pressures (the "shoulds," "have tos," and "need tos") and tune in to your body’s inner wisdom. Listen closely - it’s all the information you need to support this transformation.

Here are some tips to support the process:

Ground Yourself: Spend time in nature, breathe deeply, and be present with plants, animals, or pets. These activities help you ground your energy.
Hydrate: Water is essential for optimal function. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Rest and Recharge: Give your body the time and rest it needs to integrate the new energy. Prioritize sleep and relaxation.
Trust the Process: Believe in your body's inherent wisdom and ability to heal and evolve. This is all happening for your highest good!
Remember, you are a powerful being on a journey of growth. Trust yourself and embrace this exciting transformation!

Thanks for reading!
Lots of love and light✨️
© yours_nabi, 2024



New Earth Consciousness

Inspired by the power of shared experiences & connection,I write to create a space where vulnerability & authenticity pave the way for collective transformation