5 Reasons to Clear Your Energy Field Daily

Why Building an Energetic Hygiene Practice Can Help Your Body and Mind Feel More Aligned

Shauna Jackson Jayne
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readJun 29, 2024


Photo by Hannah Gullixson on Unsplash

I look at the energy field of any natural/living thing as a radio. Emitting frequencies or a tune at all times and attracting the like. We humans are so responsive to energy and also like antennas emitting frequencies to ourselves, others and the Universe, it is important to cultivate a field that attracts and emits all the frequencies we desire. Clearing your field will allow you to tune your radio frequency so the ‘sound/music’ is coming through more clearly with less ‘static’.

  1. Clarity of the mind — Clearing your energy field helps you to clear frequencies and vibrations that are in your field that can be actual thoughts or change, shift or interpret your thoughts into something that matches that vibration. Say you had a bad dream. That dream can leave an energetic imprint in your field, the mental layer in this case, and it would be beneficial to your mindset that you are carrying magnified frequencies from your subconscious throughout the day. This will help you to have a clearer stream of thought and allow you to hear your guides, higher self, and Source.
  2. Release tightness in body — Your body is greatly influenced by frequencies and vibrations. According to Biofield Tuning Experts, each and every organ vibrates and a unique frequency…cool right?! Daily stress, conversations, limiting beliefs, negative thoughts and even trauma can also become trapped in parts of the body. Many of us carry tension in our back and shoulders and clearing energy daily can relax your field thus releasing tension and allowing flow in those areas of the field.
  3. Calm Emotions — This is a big one for many and especially those who are sensitive, like me. I can feel and pick up on the emotions of just about anyone at any time and it can be truly exhausting. So clearing the energy field is such a good daily ritual to have so I can better discern what is my emotion and what is someone else’s. Especially after a long day of work and social interactions you have interacted, created and projected emotions into your field. These emotions are great for learning about yourself and others but really only serve a purpose for a short period of time. Resetting your energy to hold what is your own brings your back to yourself and helps to calm your being. This practice can also make it more easy for you to be aware when you are in states of reactivity versus responding. You are more aware of your emotional base level, which makes it easier to discern what is internal versus whats external.
  4. Connect to Higher Self, Guides and Source — The simple act of clearing your energy sets the intention of connecting with yourself, your guides and Source/God/Universe/Creator. It is like laying the foundation of a house. Clearing away all debris and preparing it to be filled with love, wisdom, and truth. When I do this, connecting is so much easier, much more lucid. The information that comes through is understood and interpreted fully. There is less ‘white static/noise’ altering what is coming through. It makes the experience so beautiful to witness.
  5. Experiencing Freedom — Freedom in the body and in the human experience is something we all have the right to have. When we are feeling stifled and weighed down energetically, we have the tendency to feel stunted and trapped and we don’t know why. When we clear our energy fields, it allows us to put down the vibrational luggage that we have been carrying. We are then able to start fresh, and have the opportunity to shift and then create and set our intentions and what we want to bring into our energy fields and into our realities.

The more you are able to start each day/night with clarity in your field, the more you will be able to harness the wisdom and knowledge you have within. Feeling more grounded, more centered, more aligned with your beingness.



Shauna Jackson Jayne
New Earth Consciousness

Deeply sinking into my thoughts and feelings unearthing what has been rooted to reclaim who I truly am. I am a student of all things energetic and human.