Self Improvement I Self Awareness I Spiritualty
5 Signs You Don’t Trust Yourself
A spiritual look at this fundamental and often overlooked step in self-love.
We hear a lot about the topic of self-love. Part of practicing self-love is to build inner trust. When I first heard of self-trust I thought, of course I trust myself, why wouldn’t I?
Depending on the choices you have made in life, you may not trust yourself. Once I dug a little deeper I realized there was more to it than I originally thought!
5 signs you don’t trust yourself
These signs may happen to anyone from time to time but look for a pattern in your behavior to see if self-trust is an area you may need to focus on. It’s more common than you might think.
Second-guessing yourself- It can feel very hard to stick to a decision, you might find yourself going back and forth.
Looking to others for validation- Once you make a decision you might ask others what they think. And even go back on your decision if they discourage it.
Feeling stuck, lost, unsure of what direction to take- When you don’t trust yourself, it’s hard to know what direction to take in life. Decisions are tough and…