5 Tips to Stay Present While the World Multitasks
Don’t let multitasking steal your focus.
I have a confession to make: I’m a recovering master multitasker.
The world we live in practically forces us to multitask, and it’s not our fault.
Work, family, countless emails, news, social media, phone calls, text messages — no wonder we’re overwhelmed. We’re constantly being pulled in a million directions.
But here’s the truth: the solution is making a conscious decision to reclaim your life. If you don’t want to keep living by someone else’s agenda, it’s time to take back your power — and your peace.
Multitasking is listening and reacting to other people’s agenda instead of what matters to you.
As Melinda Gates says:
If you don’t set your own agenda, somebody else will. If I didn’t fill my schedule with things I felt were important, other people would fill my schedule with things they felt were important.
Here’s what helped me transition from a multitasking master to someone with an (almost) zen-like mind:
I won’t sugarcoat it — it’s tough. But it gets easier. And the reward of being the master of your own time? It’s priceless.