5 Ways To Spiritually Assist Your Loved Ones Without Them Knowing

The secret lies within you

Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness
4 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by Sander Sammy on Unsplash

Over 10 years ago, when I found myself on my spiritual path, I was filled with mixed emotions. This way of living and being fascinated me. I was discovering so many things that I never knew existed. I was excited and scared at the same time. I wanted to let everyone know that they didn’t have to suffer and they had the power to heal and create their own reality. This was during the time before I understood how each of us is called to each stage of our awakening when it is our time.

After trying to tell so many people about the spiritual path, I quickly learned that I needed to keep this information to myself and that when it was time to share it with others, I would know. The problem was that I knew and loved so many people whose life would change if they started learning and applying spiritual knowledge.

I asked Spirit for a way to help my loved ones in their life without pushing them away with what they deemed as spiritual non-sense. As time went on it was revealed to me how to subtly assist my loved ones and help myself in the process. I’ve listed a few of those ways below.

1. Heal Thyself

One of the most impactful ways to help your loved ones is by healing yourself. By going within and doing your personal inner work and shadow work you will begin the process of healing traumas that you’ve experienced in your life. This healing will cause you to see yourself differently and will ultimately affect how you see and relate to those around you.

The energy field you carry will also begin to change. As this change happens those around you will pick up on it and you’ll begin to see subtle changes in them. The more you are around your loved ones the more they will be pick up on the energy coming from the healed version of you, which will continue to assist them in their own journey.

2. Let Your Actions Speak

People take notice of how you carry yourself and how you live your life. If you’re aware that your loved ones take notice of you then you can intentionally do things around them to help them in their journey. Simple things like how you speak to yourself, how you treat others, and your demeanor. All of this is noticed and you can indirectly use your actions to assist your loved ones spiritually without them being aware.

3. Be The Observer

In the same way that your loved ones notice things about you, you too notice things about your loved ones. You can use this information to observe what it is your loved ones are struggling with and need encouragement with. When you notice this begin to encourage and assist them. Encouragement can be as simple as telling someone you love something great about themselves when they feel down. Or when doubt arises you can remind them of times in the past they’ve overcome a situation.

You can assist by speaking affirmations for your loved one, for a situation they are desiring to work out. You can see your loved one living a good life of abundance, prosperity and good health. They don’t even have to know you’re doing it. Use your power to see their good and watch how it begins to affect your loved ones personal reality. You are powerful.

4. Guide When Prompted

There will be times when it’s necessary to guide your loved ones. The way to know when it’s time to drop clues or be more direct will be revealed to you. You will literally feel a pulling at your heart energy to talk to your loved one in a that they may not understand at the time. But one day in the future they will remember the seed you planted and it will make sense. When you feel this, lean into it and assist. What you need to say and how you need to say will come to you. Just trust the process.

5. Visualize Their Good

Often we come across people in hard situations with a lot going wrong in their lives. I learned a wonderful tip from Lousie Hay, years ago. Her tip was to visualize good for people. If someone is sick, visualize them as their vibrant healthy self. If someone is sad, visualize them happy and full of joy. If they lack money, visualize them receiving alot of money. This doesn’t take long to do and is a simple way to help others when they need it the most.

The more we all recognize and walk in our power, the better everything around us and connected to us will be. We are powerful creators living in a time where we are more connected and aware of our power then ever before. As each of us continues using these gifts for good, we will witness the changes in those around us more and more.

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Wishing abundance and prosperity to you and yours,


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Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.