6 Signs You’re Embodying the Divine Feminine

# 2 : You’re creating space for your emotions to exist without needing to analyze them.

New Earth Consciousness
8 min read4 days ago


Photo by Riss Design on Unsplash

Deep within each of us lie both feminine and masculine energies. They are the Yin and Yang, a universal dance of complementary forces present in everything from the cosmos to our cells. However, for far too long, we’ve collectively operated from a place of wounded femininity. We’ve allowed the masculine to dominate, pushing the feminine into the shadows. This imbalance has warped our perception of the world and ourselves.

It’s now time to recognize that these energies deserve to coexist in harmony, neither superior to the other. Until we embrace both in their purest forms, we’ll remain trapped in a distorted reality, unable to experience our full potential and the beauty of our wholeness.

To assist us with this, the veil is lifting, revealing the imbalances that have long existed. This awareness is a catalyst for awakening to our true selves, gently urging us towards healing, wholeness and a life anchored in love and light.

If you are on a path of healing or have begun to notice these distortions within yourself, then congratulations! You are not only integrating and awakening to your true self but in doing so are also contributing to the collective healing of all.

Below, we delve into some key indicators that you’re honoring and embodying the divine feminine energy.

  1. You have a strong sense of self and aren’t afraid to be authentic.

When feminine energies are suppressed, it can lead to a constant need for external validation. This creates a dependence on others' opinions for your sense of self, leaving you vulnerable to rejection. Without a strong inner foundation, you might find yourself morphing into who you think others want you to be, sacrificing your authenticity in the process. This shaky sense of self can be incredibly uncomfortable, making it easier to conform than to embrace your true nature.

"The wounded feminine is the part of us that feels unsafe, unseen, unheard, and unworthy of love." - John Bradshaw

As you embark on your path of self-love, a transformative journey unfolds. You’ll uncover your deepest desires and authentic self, piecing together the puzzle of who you truly are. Embracing these revelations fosters a deep sense of self-acceptance. This newfound clarity becomes your compass, guiding you towards choices that resonate with your core being.

The external validation you once craved loses its hold as you become your own source of unwavering love and approval.

It dawns on you that this external yearning was simply a reflection of the love you were longing to give yourself all along.

Free from the shackles of needing approval and fearing rejection, you've embraced a world of self-compassion. You honor your natural rhythm, accepting the inevitable ups and downs with wisdom. This liberation has made you your own priority. You proudly own your body, your emotions, desires, and all they encompass. Finally, with newfound courage, you stand authentically, set healthy boundaries effortlessly, and prioritize your well-being as the foundation for a fulfilling life.

2. You’re creating space for your emotions to exist without needing to analyze them.

For the longest time humanity has not been able to accept the full spectrum of emotions. We have either tried to avoid them, run away from them or try to overcome them but never feel them completely. With the inner work, you understand that being human involves a spectrum of experiences and emotions and all you have to do is let them pass through you without any resistance or judgement.

“The Divine Feminine is the wild, untamed aspect of the soul, the one who embraces the full spectrum of human experience - joy, sorrow, rage, tenderness." - Alexandra Pope

While understanding the root of your fear or anger can be helpful, it’s not the same as truly processing these emotions. The masculine approach often analyzes and intellectualizes them for learning and growth, but the feminine invites them with patience and kindness, simply allowing them to be. The real art lies in sitting with your feelings, even the most difficult ones. This befriending process helps you navigate them effectively, preventing avoidance or suppression.

Strength isn’t the absence of feelings, but the courage to face them head-on, fostering a deeper understanding and befriending them along the way.

With a healed feminine, you’ll find yourself approaching emotions with curiosity. You’ll welcome them as messengers, understanding they’ll pass as you acknowledge their presence and glean their wisdom. There’s no need to "fix" them; simply holding space for them with vulnerability becomes your divine feminine superpower.

3. You navigate your everyday life by drawing on both intuition and intellect.

For many of us, a strong emphasis on logic has overshadowed our intuition. We’ve become accustomed to navigating life solely through the analytical mind. The inner wisdom, though present, often gets pushed aside as impractical or unreliable.

As you heal and integrate the divine feminine within, your connection to your body deepens. You now listen to its subtle whispers, realizing that logic, while essential in the physical world, has limitations. Your body and intuition, on the other hand, hold a deeper wisdom, a connection to your core essence. Quieting the mental chatter allows you to tap into this guidance. By trusting yourself and choosing to act on your intuition, you see beyond ingrained beliefs. This expanded perspective empowers you to navigate life in a whole new way.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift." - Albert Einstein

Your life choices and actions will naturally reflect your awakened feminine energy. You’ll embrace inner guidance, finding the courage to trust your intuition and heart’s desires. Stepping beyond the limitations of the mind, you’ll discover a whole new way of living, aligned with your authentic truth.

This is a sacred integration – a symphony of mind, body, and spirit playing in perfect harmony.

We weren’t designed to live solely from the neck up, yet that’s become the default setting. However, a collective awakening is underway, a rediscovery of our innate power. As individuals embrace this inner guidance, they illuminate a path for others to find their own authentic truths.

4. You find within you a fierce yet soft demeanor.

For generations, society has equated vulnerability with weakness. We’ve been told openness leads to heartbreak, and sensitivity invites exploitation. This pressure has pushed many to suppress their true selves, fostering a culture of hyper-independence and emotional detachment. We learn to love with a guarded heart, and when that fails to bring true connection, we stumble towards vulnerability, seeking intimacy but lacking the skills to navigate it in a healthy way.

The divine feminine is the warrior and the healer… in a beautiful dance of strength and vulnerability." - Alexandra Elle

We used to swing between extremes, unsure how to navigate our authentic selves in this world. Through the active embodiment of the feminine within us, we now understand that vulnerability isn’t weakness, but a strength that allows for deeper connections. Yet, healthy boundaries and self-care remain crucial. You’ve shifted from a closed, protective stance to one of openness, acceptance, and receptivity.

You know love and kindness and balance it with confidence and discernment.

Your strength now coexists with gentleness. Vulnerability doesn’t diminish your power, but fuels it. You hold space for others' emotions while confidently setting boundaries. This beautiful paradox - a tapestry of self-love woven with compassion, service, and a healthy sense of self - is your true essence. You’ve transcended labels, embracing the wholeness that makes you magnificent.

5. You let go of control and surrender to the flow of life.

When our masculine energy overpowers the feminine, we crave control and certainty. We struggle to trust life’s flow, feeling secure only when everything is meticulously planned and predictable. Life can feel like a constant battle, leaving us stressed and anxious. We get caught up in "doing" and fixated on the future, neglecting the present moment.

As you heal this imbalance and embrace your wholeness, a sense of calmness and presence naturally emerges. Life transforms from a game to be conquered to a vibrant experience to be savored. You release the need for complete control, allowing a more fluid and intuitive approach to guide you.

"Flow with whatever is happening and let your mind be carried by the current. The good and the bad will pass away, but the flow of life will continue." - Marcus Aurelius

This journey of self-discovery leads to a deep trust in life and yourself. You no longer feel separate or alone, but connected to everything and everyone. It’s a realization that you are part of a larger whole, a symphony of existence. This awakening aligns with embracing your inner power, which isn’t about control, but about flowing with the rhythm of life. Surrender, isn’t giving up, but letting go of the need for complete control. You trust that even what you can’t understand in the moment serves a greater purpose. Your true essence – love, joy, abundance – is always within you, unthreatened by external forces.

There’s nothing to lose, only experiences to gain, perspectives to broaden.

This openness and acceptance are the hallmarks of the flow state, a state fully accessible when you connect with your inner strength.

6. You weave a vibrant life filled with playful moments, creative pursuits, and rejuvenating downtime.

Society often equates value and identity with constant productivity and achievement. This often shows up as feelings of guilt and shame when we’re not actively striving and can lead us to push ourselves beyond healthy limits, resulting in burnout, exhaustion, and a disconnect from our authentic selves.

"The more you play, the more you learn, the more you create the life of your dreams. The more you create the life of your dreams, the lighter you become." - John Lennon

Through healing, you find a harmonious rhythm between focused work and restorative play. Creativity blossoms as you explore diverse avenues for self-expression. Taking time to recharge becomes a natural part of your flow, not a source of guilt. Life’s journey unfolds with its inevitable ups and downs, and you navigate them with grace, honoring the natural flow within.

Fun, play, and stillness – these are the pillars that guide us toward our truest light and love.

They become portals, allowing us to express our authentic selves, free from external demands. When the divine feminine awakens within, these qualities flow effortlessly. You embrace them with joy, not guilt, for they enrich your life in every way imaginable. Gratitude blossoms for these precious opportunities to reconnect with your inner essence.

Closing Remarks:

Whether you’re already here, are taking steps forward, or just beginning your exploration, remember this is a journey of self-compassion. Be gentle with yourself. As you integrate your full potential into your everyday life, the path might not always be smooth. Embrace the ups and downs, twists and turns, without judgment or resistance. It’s all part of the process.

When you need it, don’t hesitate to ask for guidance and support from your inner wisdom and witness love and light in all of its glory.

Thanks for reading!
Lots of love and light✨️
© Shubhada, 2024



New Earth Consciousness

Inspired by the power of shared experiences & connection,I write to create a space where vulnerability & authenticity pave the way for collective transformation