8 Bulletproof Steps To Build Strong Confidence

Simples Ways To Boost Your Self-esteem

Samson Silva
New Earth Consciousness
5 min readJun 25, 2023


Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash

Confidence is a key factor in our lives. Having a strong confidence or a weak one affects every aspect of your life, from your relationship to your job to your social life, everything. Lack of confidence has been the very factor that has stopped so many smart and good-looking people with potential from attaining their desires.

Desires and dreams like; starting a business, asking for a raise, asking your crush out on a date, even doubling your income, can’t be achieved if you’re too scared to try, even if you’re a smart/talented person. Being confident in your little abilities, no matter how small they are, could go a long way toward achieving your dream life and your dream partner.

I only used a few of the steps below and it worked for me. I hope you find one or two steps below that’ll help boost your confidence. Let’s begin.

1. This One Thing Will Make You Feel Important

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What do important people all have in common? They are always busy, why? because they have a goal they want to achieve. They are working to achieve something important. That’s the difference between successful people and the rest, successful always set goals toward the type of life they want, and work to get that life. Unsuccessful people dream, but they just live their life with whatever comes, never fighting for the life they want.

Setting a goal will make you feel important because you’ll carry the feeling of working toward something important. You’ll feel like a person serious with his life, you’ll feel like a person who knows what they going to do with their life. Goals can help you get your life organized, which will make you feel better about yourself.

2. List Your Positive Qualities, and Focus On Them

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One of the ways to develop confidence is by recognizing that there is greatness in you. You can do this by making a list of some positive qualities you have and being grateful you have them. Some successful people have to work hard in order to get some of those qualities you have. In the same way, you have to work to get some qualities you don’t have, but be grateful for what you have. Knowing your good qualities can make you feel better.

3. Focus On Your Small Achievements

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Every successful person started with small achievements, the difference is that successful people celebrate every victory no matter how small, while unsuccessful people complain about it not being big enough. You got to start somewhere.

Remember every of your small success, if you can achieve those, then you have great potential. Then you need to further develop them like a muscle, by using them. It takes someone who has the “winning moxie” to succeed, and if you have ever succeeded before, no matter how small, even if you’ve failed before, you have it. So remember your past achievements and know that you have potential.

4. Don’t Compare Yourself To Other

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I’ll tell you why you shouldn’t compare yourself with others. You may be comparing your first chapter of success to someone’s 87th chapter of success. Imagine how disheartening that’ll be for you.

While comparing yourself with people more successful than you will dishearten you, comparing yourself with people poorer than you might decrease your zeal and passion to work. Focus on you, the best version of you. Compare yourself only to your past self, so as to measure progress.

5. Be Helpful To Others

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

One of the sure ways to feel good about yourself is to be helpful to people who can’t pay you back. Providing some help to people who really need it is a worthy cause, and that’s what you need to boost your confidence. It doesn’t necessarily need to be something huge, it could be very small but effective for that person.

6. Stop Being Judgmental

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Often, people are judgemental because they are afraid of the fact that are not good enough. Judging people instead of appreciating their effort is a sign of insecurity. Insecure people judge everyone and everything. Try to focus and appreciate other people’s effort and work, even if it’s small.

7. Talk Yourself Out Of Self-doubt And Negative Thought

Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

Whenever you get negative thoughts, which we all get sometimes, don’t let them run their course. Talk yourself out of it, and assure yourself that you’ll figure it out. Believe that with lots of hard work and study on your side, you’ll definitively win

8. Daily Positive Self Talk

Photo by Brian Lawson on Unsplash

You need to give yourself some positive self-talk daily. Do you want to build strong confidence? Then set out some time in the day, every day to give yourself some positive talks. This will change your belief system and strengthen your self-esteem.

Bonus point

Do you want to build strong confidence? Then believe you have strong confidence in you, and act accordingly. Take acts of confidence, it’ll boost your self-esteem muscles. I’ll Recommend Talking This Premium Course: Reclaiming Your Inner Power: Building High Self-Esteem by Eldon Taylor. Thanks for reading



Samson Silva
New Earth Consciousness

I'm a passionate learner, researcher, and observer of the ways of success and life itself.