8 Signs the Universe Is Talking to You

The signs are literally everywhere

Evangeline Koru
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readMay 21, 2023


Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Ever find yourself confused about a life decision or wonder if your prayers or manifestations are being answered? If you’re even mildly spiritual or religious, you’re always hoping that a higher power, creator, angels or Source have your back. That somewhere out there someone or something hears your heart’s truest desire and is going to make it happen for you.

Well, search no more. Whatever your belief system, at the center of what you’re really seeking is a sign that you’ve been heard and that something good is coming your way. Sometimes the signs come in a variety of forms that may not be obvious to you, but it’s up to you to be present enough to notice them.

While this list is not exhaustive, here are 8 signs that the Universe is talking to you.

Animals: No matter where you live, there are always some sort of animals nearby. Even in New York City, the citiest of cities has animals in abundance, whether its birds, squirrels or rats. Wherever you live, you will always run into them. When you’re looking for guidance or need to make a decision about something, go out for a walk or take a drive and notice what animals stand out to you. Look up the spiritual meaning of the animal(s) and take the meaning that resonates with you the most. I was concerned about a promotion that I was expecting, so I took a walk in nature. It was the same walk I always took, but along the way I saw so many signs and symbols. I didn’t look at my phone, I wasn’t listening to music, I just took a walk near the lake and park. A couple of rabbits jumped onto my path and literally stared right at me, unafraid and just calm. A couple of days later, I got the call that my promotion went through. It’s times like that that you learn to trust the Universe.

Dreams: Not everyone remembers their dreams and some people swear they don’t dream. Well, I’m here to tell you that we all do, some people just aren’t soul awakened yet and that’s just fine. If you do dream and you remember even a sliver of details, you should write them down. I use an app that I open up almost as soon as I wake up to jot down what I dreamed. For some people, dreams are cryptic and unhelpful. For others, dreams are like movies — exciting, dramatic, even scary. For highly spiritual people and psychic mediums like myself, they are literal communication from the Universe, my spirit guides, angels, and other messagers meant to provide me with clarification in my waking life.

Whatever it is you dream of, take them seriously and look for the meaning whether through psychology resources (Freud, etc) or dream interpretation. Whether you search for the meaning online or come to the understanding on your own, the dream is meant for you. It is a sign that the Universe is reflecting the answers you seek back to you through what seems like simulations playing out or as warnings. Set the intention to think about your problem or issue before bed and look for the answers in your dream. You’ll be surprised to see how the Universe responds to your request.

Mercury Retrogrades (Rx): You can easily search online for the Mercury Rx timeframes, but if you want to know if something is meant for you or not, notice what happens during a Mercury Rx timeframe. Did your ex call you back and ask to be with you again, you guys gave it a second try and you quickly realized why you guys broke up in the first place? Did a promotion come in after you’d been passed over for one last year because the person who got it left? Did your car or kitchen appliance break down and you need to get a new one? Did you get a wish fulfillment only to realize that it wasn’t what you actually wanted?

Mercury Rx is a time to reflect on whether something is meant to stay in your life or not. It’s also little butlers to clean up or fix something in your life that you needed to get done because you were busy. The world slows down during Mercury Rx to give us that opportunity to pause and reflect before acting. This is most definitely the Universe’s prime time to make fixes in your life and answer prayers you didn’t know you had.

The Moon: This one is not for everyone, but the moon has so much energy around it, whether it’s a full moon or new moon. In the spiritual community, you release and let go of things during the full moon and you manifest during new moons (potent one or two days on either end of the actual moon night). There are several other times that the moon impacts you and your energy field and that’s especially true during an eclipse.

Massive shifts affect you during eclipses and you should always look for what happens to you during solar and lunar eclipses. We just had a couple of them in the last month. Look up the days and notice what shifted for you in between those eclipses? Did you have a breakup? Did you lose a job? Did you get promoted? Did you all of a sudden realize that you want nothing more than to quit your job, move to Los Angeles and become an actor? Whatever happened during that time, it was meant to shake up your world in the best way possible, even if it was painful. Sometimes these shifts in thinking or major life changes are the Universe’s way of answering a conscious or unconscious desire of yours, or it’s a way to put you on your life path that you wouldn’t have otherwise had the courage to do on your own.

Journal about what happened to you during these timeframes and take a look at what happened to you six months ago. You’ll realize just how far you’ve come and you’ll be a heck of a lot more self-aware of how the Universe works on your behalf to get you to where you belong.

Nature: Whenever you’re particularly vexed, step out in nature. Not that much different than animal sightings, nature is also a silent channeler of the Universe’s design for you. Whether it’s trees, flowers, rivers, oceans, winds, the signs can be literal or symbolic, but they’re always speaking to you with direct orders from the Universe.

I went walking in a wooded park near my home, the same thing I do every day, but that day I wasn’t sure what I should do in a romantic situation. I had been walking in that park for over a year and half, but only noticed on that afternoon that many of the oak trees were fused together at the base. I mean not one or two, but most of them. I even saw an oak tree that looked like three trees fused together.

While I don’t think that if I looked this up I’d find the answer, the message from the Universe was loud enough for me: soulmates with a solid foundation. I also had never noticed a holly tree was there. Hollies have a variety of meanings in various ancient cultures, from fertility to good lucky to eternal life, but noticing the holly tree right after the oak trees told me everything I needed to know about my situation. The Universe always speaks through nature, but it’s up to you to be present enough to allow the messages to flow to you.

Numbers: Numerology and angel numbers are big deal signs from the Universe for people in the spiritual community and you can take advantage of it too. Notice what you’re thinking about when the clock turns 11:11, someone calls or texts you at 3:33, when your car odometer has 444 in the number or a building number is 222. Notice when the numbers pop up for you and what you’re thinking about. This is one of the more obvious ways the Universe or your angels are speaking to you.

People: People say and do the darndest things. To the unawakened soul, someone cutting you off in traffic and forcing you to take the wrong exit is just a waste of your time and you get back on the highway. To someone who finds meaning in everything may see it differently. That person may get off of the exit, go to a truck stop, buy a lottery ticket and win $500 — the exact amount of money they needed to pay off a debt or trip to see an ailing relative.

I was talking to my mom and noticed an ad with a phrase that nudged me to share with my mom as a message from someone in her network who needed help. As a psychic medium, I knew that nudge was not frivolous. After a few minutes of discussions, my mother remembered talking to someone who was very depressed and the message was very uplifting. It was like a magic phrase that let this person know that someone in the spirit world heard their prayer. Notice what people say and do for clues that the Universe is speaking through them to you.

Signs from the Spirit World: Similar to all of the previous examples, feathers, birds, and animals are all ferrying messages from the spirit world. Look up these meanings in advance to know when the Universe is answering your prayers or sending you a message. I found a giant feather in my yard right before heading out for a walk. I knew wholeheartedly that I was about to receive blessings and I have received several since spotting that feather. Birds are always messengers from the other side, especially red cardinals, bluejays and hummingbirds. There are many more than just that, look them up in advance so that you know when the Universe is speaking to you.

What other signs and synchronicities that aren’t listed here? Share them in the comments section.

Evangeline Koru is a psychic medium, life coach and spiritual advisor. Follow her on Instagram (@evangelinekoru) or visit her website at https://evangelinetheoracle.com/



Evangeline Koru
New Earth Consciousness

Evangeline Koru (she/her) is a psychic medium, intuitive reader (tarot/oracle), life coach and spiritual advisor. https://evangelinetheoracle.com/