A Different Kind Of Earth Day

Words by Egypt
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readApr 23, 2024

Free verse poetry to heal our collective wounds

Photo by Gabriel Jimenez on Unsplash

Wouldn’t we all like one day when we weren't exhausted?
No more performances, and pretence to have it all together.
No more shows of how our lives are perfectly ordered parcels wrapped in pretty ribbons.
None of that.

Wouldn't we all love a day when we allowed the world to see our raw hearts Because there was no fear of condemnation?
When everyone was allowed to throw all emotional armour to the wind
allowed to run wild and free and say to the world

This is me

This is me

A day when we could all breathe a collective sigh of relief
and look each other deep in the eyes
Saying I see you. You are loved. You are dear, and the pain is over.

This would be a true Earth Day.

“Trauma is not what happens to us, but what we hold inside in the absence of an empathetic witness. Peter A. Levine In an Unspoken Voice”



Words by Egypt
New Earth Consciousness

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts. https://ko-fi.com/wordsbyegypt