A Message to Light Workers Who Continue to be Seduced by the Dark Side

If you are still putting energy into the left/right political system, then this article is for you!

Damian Sebouhian
New Earth Consciousness
8 min readAug 15, 2024


Photo by Vincent M.A. Janssen

Introduction: Ascension Timeline Advocates and the Service-to-Self Program

On most of my social media accounts I primarily follow what I’ll term for this article as Ascension Timeline Advocates (ATAs).

ATAs are those light workers, metaphysical teachers, spiritual alchemists, gnostics, mystics, astrologers, shamans, etcetera, who are actively working towards the ascension of awareness from third to fourth density/frequency.

While there are multiple ways to explain what ascension is, I vibe with the Law of One teachings that articulate how humanity is polarizing towards one of two modes (or programs) of being — Service to Self, or Service to Others.

Civilization is currently, and has been for millennia, governed by the Service-to-Self program. The Service-to-Self program is concerned primarily with power — how to get it and how to sustain it.

This program runs on an us-versus-them, scientific materialist belief system that perceives a world of seperation rather than one of interdependence.

If you are a Service-to-Self individual you place value on the material world over the spiritual world. You place value on competition over cooperation; taking & keeping over receiving & giving; power over love.

A Service-to-Self civilization has no qualms with using war as a means to an end and hoarding and controlling wealth against the interests of the vast majority of beings on the planet, human or otherwise.

To “win” in the Service-to-Self civilization you must accept that this is a kill-or-be-killed, dog-eat-dog world; you’ve got to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and climb the ladder of success even if it means pulling down all those who you perceive to be standing in your way.

The end result to the Service-to-Self civilization program is annihilation. Annihilation has one of two manifestations. It either evolves out of existence in a peaceful transfer from the love-of-power mindset to the power-of-love mindset; or the civilization literally destroys itself by the force of its own momentum, i.e. via a nuclear holocaust.

Law of One and The Chakra System

The Service-to-Self program is symbolized by the third chakra as it would look like if uninformed by the chakras above it.

Power is the primary characteristic of the third chakra and because it is “above” the other two chakras and uninformed by the four chakras above it, in a Service-to-Self framework, survival (first chakra), and creativity (the second chakra) are completely governed by power.

In our current society power is symbolized most predominently by wealth. The more money you have, generally speaking, the easier it is for you to survive (first chakra), and the more you are able to influence and create (second chakra) because your wealth affords you time and energy towards your creations rather than on struggling to survive.

The ascension, to me, is all about the collective evolving upward and outward to the heart chakra, which then will trigger the Service-to-Others program on a mass scale.

Individuals have, since 2012, been compelled to choose to polarize towards one of the two programs. Either fully embrace and embody the Service-to-Self program of the third chakra, or evolve past it and fully embrace and embody the Service-to-Others program of the heart chakra.

Why governments are, by their very nature, Service-to-Self

In my lifetime, it is pretty obvious that the power structure of our collective civilization is rabidly dedicated to preserving the Service-to-Self program. In other words, almost all the governments, corporations, banks, and other institutions of the world, will do anything to keep the status quo going.

The primary tool of those institutions motivated by maintaining the Service-to-Self system is Divide & Rule. When we are divided and when we perceive our own neighbors as villains, we are running the Service-to-Self program in our microcosmic arenas and we are ensuring that we are easier to rule by those in power above us (in the macrocosmic arena).

In this case, our neighbors become villains simply by declaring their loyalties to rulers that are different from the rulers we have declared our loyalties to.

The power structure puts so much energy into the idea that the governed are blessed with the privilege to vote for their government, the governed are hypnotized from realizing the truth — that being ruled and having rulers is inherently anathema to spiritual sovereignty and the Ascension!

In other words, to consciously and actively participate in the system, is to give away all of your power and to surrender to the Service-to-Self program.

A plea to my fellow light workers still obsessed with participating in the left/right power system

Let me be clear, as clear as it’s been made by the Law of One source, and many, many other sources as well. The choice was never meant to be a Left vs Right choice, Democrat vs Republican, Conservative vs. Liberal.

None of those “choices” are actually choices. They are all the same choice and that choice is Service to Self, third chakra predominance.

The choice is and has always been Service to Self vs Service to Others. In old school layman's terms, it’s Good vs Evil; Love/Compassion vs Fear/Power; Sovereignty vs Bondage; Unity Consciousness vs Separation Consciousness.

The more we accept the idea of rulers, the more we look for others to represent us in the goverment, the more we are giving energy to the Service-to-Self program because we are giving enegy to the idea of separation, competition, us-versus-them mindset, and all the rest.

While I’m happy to say that most of my ATA friends on social media are hip to what I’m writing here and have long since stopped participating in a system that has their worst interests at heart (because the system iself is heartless!), I am very surprised by how many self-identified light workers (et. al.) are still posting content urging others to support this candidate over that candidate because that candidate is evil and fascist and will usher in the apocalypse.

In other words, light workers are using fear mongering and divide-and-rule tactics to influence others. That is the most low vibe, Service-to-Self behavior ever! I’m sorry, but if you insist on persisting with such tactics, then I strongly suggest that you stop pretending to be a light worker/spiritual teacher.

Why? Because advocating for the darkness — which is what the entire system represents — is not light work!


Let me close with an example of how people let themselves get hoodwinked into working for the dark when they think they’re working for the light.

The word both sides (Democrat/Republican) like to use the most is “Fascism”.

Whether they identify as liberal or conservative, people like throwing that word “fascism” around, pointing out that if you vote for this person or party we will have fascism descend upon us and all will be lost.

Fascism has many different definitions, but I’m going with the classic definition as paraphrased here:

Fascism is the result you get in a society when political and capital interests merge and policies are then conceived and implemented to promote and materialize those capital (monopolist) interests.

Consider these quotes from Essayist Luis Britto García:

“Fascism is the absolute complicity between big capital and the State”: This scenario was actualized a long time ago in the United States.

“Fascism denies the class struggle, but it is the armed arm of capital in it”: Those in power use the media to fearmonger and divide and rule the lower classes by constantly manufacturing narratives of impending economic crises and “enlists such individuals into their ranks to avoid competition with unions, workers and other social groups.” (Wikipedia)

“Fascism summons the masses, but it is elitist”: Though appealing to liberal, progressive ideas, the ruling class stifles the values most liberals hold dear — free speech, freedom of essembly, bodily autonomy, and well, just freedom in general!

So, my dear, beloved Light Workers, I plead with you to consider opening your eyes, doing just the tiniest bit of research and you’ll come to the obvious conclusion that fascism already exists, and has ruled the day pretty much your entire lifetime.

Therefore, by participating in the political system of pretend voting, whoever you “vote” for is essentially a vote to continue the fascism. That’s it. It will be a Democrat fascist or a Republican fascist. Take your pick!

Maybe someday soon the spiritual community that regularly posts about the ascension — spiritual sovereignty, the spiritual evolution of humanity awakening towards embodying our true selves — will remain consistent with their energy (attention/focus) on creating that world of high vibe peace, love, and harmony and absolutely zero energy into the system that is doing its darnedest to suppress that awakening.

The awakening, my friends, includes waking up from the fact that you are being oppressed and you are feeding your energy into that system when, every four years, you shill for one political party of oppressors over another party of oppressors.

I’ve lived on this planet in this avatar body for 54 years and I have yet to see the system do anything but degenerate the values of truth and beauty, oppress its own citizens, create war and destruction worldwide, overthrow democratically elected leaders, and control businesses so that only war-sorcerers and monopolists rise to the top.

In my time on this planet as Damian, wealth has only gone from the bottom to the top. Never in any other direction. Because that’s what the system is designed to do. It rewards all the worst qualities of human nature, the qualities that are stifling our ascension towards unity consciousness.

The only way to rise above it, in my estimation, is to stop putting your energy into it. Where your attention goes, energy flows. You know this!

Put faith into your imagination. Put faith into what you know in your hearts is real, which is love eternal.

There is no love in the current system, and there never will be. If you are a being of love and light and you’re working within the political system, you either degenerate into a being of control and fear, or you are stifled by the limitations inherent in the system from making much of a difference towards creating a loving world.

It saddens me that you know the truth, yet you get sucked into the machine that keeps you from embodying the truth.

Imagine the world you want. Move in the direction of that vision. Vote by non-participation in the evil, soul-crushing fascist political system.

If you must vote, do what I do. Vote for Christ Consciousness (or whatever similar term resonates with you most).

If Christ Consciousness is not on the ballot, do what I do, write it in!

I apologize if my words have in any way offended you. That was not my intention. My intention is to get you to see what you already know deep inside is the difficult truth.

With love, compassion, acceptance, vision, and reiki (Source Energy) may we unite in awareness to the actualization of our sovereignty, and thus to our unity !

May we choose the Service-to-Others path!



Damian Sebouhian
New Earth Consciousness

I write Muse Exclusives on topics ranging from metaphysics, meditation, tarot, mythology, poetry, art, humor, and other adventures.