A Ridiculously Simple Hack to Reduce Worry

and increase your peace of mind

Jim Malloy
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readJul 6, 2024


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I was born with a genetic inclination to worry. My father was a big worrier. But this quick and simple method has been working very effectively for me since I started using it.

The method:

Whenever you catch yourself worrying, take a couple moments to observe your mind telling you scary stories about a possible future problem, and doing its worry-dance to come up with solutions to the imagined problem.

Then stop. And firmly tell yourself, “I have two choices here.”

1. I can let my mind run on and on, worrying about this dreamt-up future problem.

Or 2. I can turn it over to the higher wisdom of the Universe to create the best possible outcome for this matter.

Clearly state that you choose option 2. Then let it go and be at peace.

Realistically, some worries are likely to be more charged than others. So if they pull you back into their dance, simply repeat the process.

As you continue to work with this method, over time you will see the positive results repeated — less worry and better outcomes — and your trust in the support and wisdom of the Universe will grow.

Although it might sound too simple to be effective, and it might not be the ultimate cure for worry, it really will make a significant difference in your peace of mind.



Jim Malloy
New Earth Consciousness

I’m a meditation teacher living in Fairfield, Iowa. Trained in 1973 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, I’ve been teaching meditation for 50 years.