A Tweet About the Nature of Reality

Sandhya Domah
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readJun 24, 2021


Photo by Ava Sol on Unsplash

The author James Clear tweeted this a while ago :

Yes and no.

Yes : matter is a ridiculously small portion of what everything is made of, which by itself is crazy when we think about it.

But everything and anything isn’t empty space, or ‘nothing’.

Space is composed of teeny tiny electromagnetic fluctuations that have been known to exist since the dawn of time.

Ancient civilisations called it prana, chi, spirit, even God.

Alchemists called it aether. So did Isaac Newton.

Einstein called it spacetime.

These electromagnetic fluctuations carry energy, or information, on the structure of space.

What that means is that the universe is like a giant information loop that is constantly exchanging information with all of itself and updating itself based on what it learns.

In metaphysical speak, it’s like consciousness becoming aware of itself. Which could explain why the universe is expanding and accelerating — it’s expanding because it needs a bigger surface area to accommodate all the new information that it’s learning continuously and it’s accelerating because as it gets more and more information, it self-organises more quickly.



Sandhya Domah
New Earth Consciousness

I help organisations harness its collective intelligence to improve decision-making www.sandhyadomah.com