Achieving Enlightenment, i.e. Quantum Zero Gravity T=0

Healing Your Body to be On Beat and In Tune with the Song of the Universe

Ashley Heacock
New Earth Consciousness
9 min readJul 23, 2023


Photo by Tohamina

The concept of the 4th Dimension of Time that we live in is interesting as it relates to quantum physics. I’m not a scientist. However, I’ve been spiritual my whole life, delving into different philosophies and religions, healing my body, heart, mind, and soul, and perusing books on quantum physics.

Upon reading these scientific studies, I intuitively and immediately grasped the concepts — however, not in the way the authors probably always intended on the material plane, but rather in the social-emotional-spiritual realm.

Much of what quantum physicists write about subatomic particles seem to be in parallel to how religions speak of how to reach God.

Science is now becoming a new kind of religion for people who want proof of how this Universe works and Who God Is. Quantum physics especially is leading the way with a new understanding of the realm of subatomic particles. Through my own healing journey, I have witnessed the power of these tiny Love particles, which have led me to be in Truth with my Body, the beat of my Heart, and God.

In this article, I will discuss one concept from both the spiritual realm and quantum physics, which is Time. I will compare the philosophical and religious understandings with the scientific findings, and explain how it all relates to becoming enLIGHTened.

Through my own healing journey, and through reading spiritual and scientific texts, I will explain the Point of Enlightenment is when:

Your Heart has Healed Your Story

  • There exists a story in each of our energy fields that can be categorized according to “Word”, geographic coordinates, memory, story, and emotionality. We are all trying to make sense of our story, and when we do so through Love and Forgiveness, everything opens up, and our Souls are Free!
  • This entails family and ancestral healing, shadow work, deconditioning, somatic work, quantum healing and various other modalities to heal your Body so you can come into your Heart.
  • When Your Heart has healed you, your memories, and your story you are in a state of magnetic Unconditional Love for All Beings
  • You no longer block energy, but rather allow the Love of God to pass through you, within you, and all around you

You are Present to the Moment

  • T=0, You are Here Now
  • You are free of your egoic “me” story, so you are no longer attached to the past or future
  • You are free of projections, judgments, guilt, assumptions, identities, labels and conditionings of the mind
  • Thus, you are able to be Present to the Moment, meaning rather than your mind filled with stories of you think the person or situation is in front of you, or filled with guilt about yourself and your story, you are able to hear the True Heart’s Song of who or what is in front of you

You are Literally Centered

  • Healing yourself through the Love of Your Heart allows the Left and Right Brain to be in alignment and synchronized on Your Story, so you are literally “Centered” in your Heart, Womb/Loins, and Corpus Callosum. There is no misfiring or disagreement, but rather harmonious chemistry.
  • Your artistic and calculative hemispheres begin creating beautiful designs due to newfound Love and Cooperation in your energetic field
  • You reach higher states of Knowing God

Your are Relaxed and Lifted

  • Your Body and Energetic Chords have come into a state of Peace and Calm so the Love and Light of God is able to pass through with ease and Harmony
  • Your energetic chords are no longer taught or dense with heavy dark energies of anger, greed, guilt, or remorse that bring you down
  • You are filled with Light energies of Love, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Wisdom that allow you to be Light and Lifted
  • This is when there is Zero Gravity, i.e. zero dark dense energies, but rather Love and Light energies
  • Your Kundalini and subatomic particles Rise with Light and Love Ascends!

You Reflect the Divine

  • You no longer reflect projections, stories of conditioning, or guilt to the person in front of you, but rather you reflect a Loving Presence, and are available to what is before you with a Heartfelt openness
  • You are literally “on beat” and “in tune” with the Song of the Universe because you are listening to the Song of Your Heart
  • You Become a Divine Instrument of God in all that you say, do, and Be

I will now illustrate these spiritual ideas of Enlightenment using three scientific points in quantum physics:

Non-Attachment Principle

In the book, Alice in Quantumland, when she “gave up and walked off” the electron “magically” crossed the barrier. This is the Non-Attachment Principle that Buddhists are well-known for. You have to Let Go so the Song of the Universe, i.e. the tiny little Love and Truth subatomic particles in you, can Rise and Flow! A person must not be attached to egoic outcomes, but rather have feelings of Unconditional Love for energy to Ascend in Beautiful and Harmonious ways.

This cannot be forced, however. One must heal their energetic field of pain to come into Love. A mind trick of positivity or “light and love” is just a bandaid. To be In Truth, you must put in the Great Work of cleansing and purifying your Body and Energy Field. This includes meditation, family and ancestral healing, shadow work, quantum healing, and more. You must heal your story so your subatomic particles and Left and Right Hemispheres are in alignment with the Truth of Love in Your Heart.

All those tiny little subatomic God particles of Love in you Know! Your Heart and Soul are extremely perceptive. It takes complete honesty. God Knows All!

It is also very scientific. If you are filled with fear, for example, the energy does not pass through with Light, but rather gets stuck in density, and does not “lift off.” You do not manifest what you desire. Any dark energy in you, such as anger, greed, envy, is dense energy. Any light energy in you, such as Love, Compassion, Wisdom, is Light Energy.

Quantum Zero Point is Zero Gravity. There are no dense energies in you, but rather you are Pure God Particle, Pure Unconditional Love.

There is no grasping, no “stickiness”, no density. You are non-attached to egoic outcomes. Your Heart and Soul are Free!

This allows you to Magnetize opportunities to you so you can fulfill your Dreams and Destiny!

You are no longer in egoic wanting, but rather in a pure and innocent state, with Love for All Beings, so Giving and Receiving can happen beautifully with Humility and Grace, in alignment with the Harmony of the Universe. The subatomic particles flow freely in alignment with the Truth of your Heart and God. There are no backfiring effects of fear, guilt, or attachment. You are able to manifest with the ease of Truth and Love!

Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation

The Heisenberg “Uncertainty Relation” in quantum physics explains that the shorter the time period, the more uncertain the energy is. The longer the period of time, the smaller the residual fluctuations.

Therefore, the more you loosen your energy chords and be in a state of Love and Calm, through somatic work, meditation, or various healing practices, the more predictable the behavior of the electron/person and the more relaxed and beautiful all the subatomic particles are in your quantum system.

We all observe this in the people around us. People who are stable are predictable. People who are in emotional turmoil can be more unpredictable.

This is why it would be wonderful for quantum physicists to start studying the difference in subatomic particles between someone who is calm versus someone who is in distress. What would they find?

We can do a simple thought experiment now. What would be the song somebody plays at a piano to reflect their Self? What melodies would they play? Would it be Beautiful and fluid? Harmonious? Synchronized? Or would it be choppy and disorganized? What emotions would be expressed in the tune they play?

I pray that in time scientists, technologists, and spiritualists coming together will be able to use Sound for healing our DNA strands. All religions use music of some sort for healing. Our society simply needs an upgrade in how we use Sound Healing using the new understandings coming forth in our science, technology, and spirituality.

Frozen Time Principle

Quantum physicists have found that Time is effectively frozen for anything traveling at the velocity of Light.

What does this mean? If you are In Light, literally enLIGHTened, then you are Here Now, Present to the Moment, at T=0.

You are filled with Love rather than mind stories, so you are no longer living in the past or future, but able to be Present to the Song of the Universe before you.

You are not charged in your mind with egoic projections and assumptions, you are not weighed down with insecurity or guilt, but instead are filled with a Heartfelt openness to what is before you.

At T=0, everything is Perfect in your Body, synchronized, intuitive, understood. The Left Brain and the Right Brain agree, and You Are In Your Heart and Truth.

You are literally “Centered” in your Body, and Centered in Time. You have overcome stories of “evil”, so the Kundalini, Love Energy of the Universe, is able to rise, and you are Free to Be an Instrument of God! Instead of fighting the old, you focus your energies on creating a New World that Works for All.

So what do these quantum physics principles mean for you in your life?

Non-Attachment Principle

  • Heal yourself of egoic cravings and attachments so your subatomic particles can be Light and Free to Sing to the Truth of your Heart. You can then Magnetize and Create beautiful new Opportunities in line with the Love and Harmony of the Universe!

Heisenberg Uncertainty Relation

  • Relax your energetic chords through healing your story so rather than being taut and heavy in darkness, density, and electrical mind firing, you are filled with Light, Love, and Truth. This allows the subatomic particles to Rise and flow Beautifully and predictably through you!

Frozen Time Principle

  • You are Present to the Moment rather than in conditionings, judgments, projections, guilt, insecurities, or mind stories of the past or future, so you are enLIGHTened with Love and able to listen to the Heart’s Song of the person or situation in front of you.

In summary, if you are in your shadows and egoic self, your body will tense up and you will literally be “out of beat” or “out of tune” with the vibrations of the Universe. You will be living from the past, or in anticipation of the future, and your mind will interrupt the Song that is before you. You will not be present to what is.

If your story is healed, you are no longer filled with density or pressure, but rather your energy chords are in a state of calm.

You are Centered, meaning your Right Hemisphere and Left Hemispheres agree on Your Story, which is in alignment with the Truth of Your Heart, which is in Harmony with the Beat of the Universe, which is the Unconditional Love of God.

This indicates you are at T=0. You are not weighed down with dark dense energies, but rather are filled with Light energies of Truth, Forgiveness, Grace, Love, Wisdom, Understanding, and Compassion. You are at Zero Gravity. Your subatomic particles are Light, filled with Love, and your Kundalini is able to Rise and Ascend in alignment with God!

You can then be said to be enLIGHTened and filled with God’s Love. You are Present to the Moment. You are in Harmony with the Song of the Universe and your Body Becomes a Musical Instrument of the Divine. You Manifest all your Dreams and your Destiny unfolds with ease because you are in Truth, Love, and Light!

Questions, comments, reflections? How does this resonate with you?

Are you ready to heal your story, Body, and energy field so you can come into enLIGHTenment and Unconditional Love?

Visit my website to learn more about the services I provide!



Ashley Heacock
New Earth Consciousness

Poet, Energy Healer, Teacher, Spiritual Philosopher ~ Here to express Love from The HeartWomb <3