Activating Your Higher Heart

The Higher Heart chakra rests between our heart and throat chakras. When awakened, our authenticity and soul’s purpose shine brighter.

Gemini May
New Earth Consciousness
3 min read2 days ago


Photo by Jay Antol on Unsplash

“When you live from your higher heart, you glow with love and everyone feels good in your presence. Your light affects the cosmos.” — Diana Cooper

The New Major Chakra

There are seven main chakras or energy centers in our body — and three more recently recognized chakras including the hands + plus several secondary spiritual chakras such as our Earth and Soul Star chakras.

After awakening your Kundalini energy or undergoing spiritual ascension, you will experience the activating, clearing, and harmonizing of your chakras.

Our heart chakra is part of our main energetic system and is often called the seat of the soul. When our heart chakra is open and balanced, we are free from the ego and can give and receive unconditional Divine Love.



Gemini May
New Earth Consciousness

I write about love, life & learning as a Divine Feminine Starseed Twin Soul, mother, wife & marketer, ascending on the journey 🔥❤️♾️🪐with unconditional LOVE