New Earth Consciousness
3 min readFeb 6, 2024


We can start by naming some illusions what today are accepted as truth, but in reality are illusions.

The deepest:

The human

Photo by Дмитрий Хрусталев-Григорьев on Unsplash

I’ll illustrate this whole circle you see on the image above as the human.

This human has his issues, stories, fears, likes and dislikes, hobbies, friends, family.

And the background this man is illustrated on – includes everything, the whole world.

Today, we perceive reality with our mind which is cut in two parts: positive and negative.

Something happens with you, you fall from your bicycle and you immediately regard it as a negative experience; now if you don’t fall, but you find a 5 dollar note on the street while you are cycling, you will regard it as positive.

And if we can really observe this, we can see how well we been programmed.

This mind with who you identify yourself with, it is programmed. An another example, you meet up tonight with your partner, and they confess to you that they will leave you. Without your will, you will experience it very negatively (unless you were the one who wanted to get out from the relationship).

Is it possible to have only positive happenings in this life?



New Earth Consciousness

Questioning about what are we doing on this Earth aka veiling the layers of consciousness and illuminating the path for liberation.