Are We Really Who We Think We Are?

A new age is dawning, we are Awakening to our True Self

Henry Muli
New Earth Consciousness
8 min readOct 23, 2022


Image by Julio César García from Pixabay

The world is changing. Something big is germinating, blooming, and slowly showing itself for the whole world to see. The illusions of the old world are dissolving, the matrix code is glitching, and the systems of separation are being shaken to their foundations.

This is the great Awakening.

A more accurate way of putting my subtitle would have been… our True Self is Awakening inside of us. Because perhaps every spiritualist I know speaks of Earth’s ascension into 5th-dimensional Consciousness, but consider this for a second.

What if 5D Consciousness (adopted term) is actually the one trickling down into human minds? What if awakening/ascension is happening from up downwards, not down upwards as it seems?

What if we are not ascending into Oneness, what if Oneness is the one flowing down and blossoming on the Earth, one individual at a time?

In this article, we will explore the awakening of humanity into expanded consciousness and provide a perspective that human beings are not the ones awakening. Something is rather awakening itself inside of us.

