Channelled Message | The Great Shift | 5D New Earth

Ascension Guidance | Embody the 5D New Earth on an Individual Level and the Collective will Follow

Be the shining example of what you want others to see and experience in the world.

New Earth Consciousness
4 min readMay 18, 2023


Photo by Jehyun Sung on Unsplash

Now the real work begins.

What you have been working for thus far was to reach this moment on your path, this moment for you to start seeing the wonders of your life.

Your faith has brought you here.

Your courage, strength, and intuition has brought you to this point where your life path will unfold effortlessly as long as you continue to have faith and allow your life to flow with authenticity.

The path ahead will be filled with synchronicities, opportunities, and soul contracts meant to propel you forward to connect you with your calling and soul plan in this life.

All the shedding of the 3D trauma and conditioning was so that the 3D insecurities and beliefs do not hinder you from seeing the divine opportunities in front of you.

As we have mentioned since the beginning of 2023, the hermit phase is over.

You must act now.



New Earth Consciousness

newly awakened | lightworker | energy healer channeled messages for the new earth & newly awakened. may they expand your light & awareness. you are not alone.