Be Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness
2 min readApr 26, 2024

It’s a necessary part of the spiritual journey

Photo by ali soleymani on Unsplash

When you find yourself on the path of awakening it evokes many feelings. You’re excited because this is an entirely new way of living and understanding life. It’s equally scary because it’s an entirely new way of life that you have no idea about.

There are so many people that share there experiences as a spiritual person, in hopes that it will help you through your journey. But, truly the only way to know what the spiritual life is like, is to live it.

This path takes adjustment and you will be uncomfortable at times but it’s essential to embrace being uncomfortable because in that discomfort and not knowing, change happens. Not knowing what’s next is unpredictable but I’ve learned that’s just the Universe’s style. Doing things the unpredictable way.

The Universe often steps in and works on our behalf when we release resistance to the process and let the Universe work it’s magic. I know it’s challenging to let go of the habit of trying to predict how whatever situation you’re facing will work, but you must learn to let the how go. This takes patience and practice.

Over time, your faith muscle will turn to knowing and before you know what was once uncomfortable will be your new level of comfort.

For more of my writings and cosmic insights about the Universe, check out these posts:




Ashley P
New Earth Consciousness

I share spiritual messages to help you through your spiritual awakening, healing and ascension. Spirituality changed my life and it will change yours too.