Be ready to pivot if you want to follow your intuition

Henrietta Atkin.
New Earth Consciousness


Have you ever acted on an intuition only to have your vibes change up midstream….and it works out even better?

Intuitives need to be flexible — really flexible! Intuition is all about reading the energy of the present moment, and that energy can change suddenly.

Following are four times when my vibes upended my plans…and gave me something even better.


Recently, I was helping out my oldest daughter on her job search. She wanted one close to home as she has a full-time college schedule.

One day I was out on a walk feeling good about one of my own goals: exercising and being on a diet.

Just then my vibes told me to check out a nearby mall where there were a lot of restaurants.

“No way!” I thought. I even felt somewhat annoyed. “The last thing I need to do is be near food right now!”

Then I realised it was my intuition speaking, not my intellect or ego. I pivoted to the mini mall and ended up finding the perfect job for my daughter in one of the restaurants that had a help wanted sign in the window.


When my children were still in grade schoool, I wanted to take my youngest daughter on a vacation. We were long overdue for some one-on-one time.

Yet, any time I went online to check out hotels or vacation spots, I felt a reluctance in my spirit. And I didn’t explore further.

“What is wrong with you?” I asked myself. “Sophia has been waiting to go away with you for a year!”

Finally, the answer revealed itself when I won a weekend vacation that was all- expenses paid to a jazz festival. My spirit had been holding me back, knowing the fun surprise that was to come.


One Tuesday evening my daughters and I planned to attend a free jazz concert at the University of Illinois.

But right before we were due to leave, I got the hit to “Stay home and get caught up on some work. ”

Every fiber of my ego and intellect wanted to scream “No!” The group that was playing was excellent. Nevertheless, I trusted my intuition and didn’t go.

Three days later, I went through my emails and found a notice from Chicago Jazz Magazine offering free tickets to see the jazz group Manhattan Transfer. So we did get to go to a great jazz concert after all. Only the concert was on Saturday instead of a week day so the timing was better for all of us.


A few years ago, my daughter wanted to find her very first job.

She spent quite a bit of time filling out applications for typical teenage summer jobs: working in a pizzeria, working in a grocery store, and working in an ice cream shop.

Despite the amount of time she put into the applications and interviews, nothing panned out, which surprised me because my vibes had told me that she would be successful.

So I began a mini question-and-answer session with my heart. Some interesting insights emerged. I still felt the vibe that my daughter would get a job, but I also felt to look for a job that was more along the lines of my daughter’s STEM interests. I also felt to check local storefronts for signs that said Help Wanted.

A few days later, my daughter and I spontaneously went for a walk to get lunch together to celebrate the end of her finals.

On the way back, we passed the local Mathnasium tutoring center. I had always thought that they only hired adults for tutors, but intuitively felt to go in and ask.

It turned out my daughter was perfect for the tutoring job. She still tutors today, and really enjoys working with children.

Henrietta Atkin has taken all three levels of Sonia Choquette’s intuitive training, including two teacher trainings. She is available for mentoring and readings. Please connect with her on her social media below.



Henrietta Atkin.
New Earth Consciousness

Henrietta is an intuition teacher, mentor and coach. Find her free tips at Intuition Daily on Facebook and her book "My Intuitive Journey" on Amazon.