Beyond The Matrix — Recreating The Reality You Prefer

The Reality Shifter’s Guide: Tapping Into Infinite Potential


Wise Man — Midjourney

(To read this article for free — go here)

You’re more than a name or a face. You’re a walking, talking, reality-creating machine. Is there another you out there, living a different life? Your sense of self isn’t just some tag slapped on you. It’s the glasses you wear to see the world. It colors everything you do, everyone you meet, and every result you get.

But here’s the kicker: what if you could swap those glasses? Could you tune into a different channel of you, one that’s more in sync with what you want?

Reality Isn’t Set In Stone

Consider this: your world isn’t static. It’s flexible, continually molded by your intentions, thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Many possibilities exist at once, just waiting for you to access them. So, how do you start changing your reality? It begins with tapping into the power of your Higher Self, your I AM.

On one level, your state of mind steers your day’s direction. Step into a situation brimming with self-assurance, and things often fall into place. But approach the same scenario filled with doubt, and everything’s out to get you.



Carl Gerber (aka Kristopher Raphael)
New Earth Consciousness

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