I Talked To Myself In a Past Life

you can too, with past life regression

Reyna Park
New Earth Consciousness
8 min readFeb 21, 2024


(Reyna Park 24)

Today felt to be quite a drag.

I woke up feeling heavy, and my sense of the day ahead was foreboding.

Ah, to be in the dregs of life.

I quickly scheduled an appointment with my healer.

After some phone tag, we agreed to meet at 2pm.

Our session reaped rich rewards. I learned deep spiritual lessons and had a powerful healing today, and I’d like to share my experience with you.

What we did was heal multidimensionally — heal other bodies and incarnations tied to my soul.

Today’s session began with creating a large bubble of light around me! First, we tapped into a feeling of slow, soft, good and warm.

“This will feel like a gentle pulsing,” my healer reminded me.

She always does an amazing job of guiding me.

I tapped into a memory that felt soft, warm, and gentle.

“It’s a beach.”

“What else is there?”


I smiled, knowing this may have been a memory of Lemuria. Whether it was a soul memory or fabricated from my imagination (likely a combination of the two), this feeling was peaceful and it instantly calmed my nervous system.

I sighed in relief. I had entered the call pretty agitated and upset.

I allowed the warm goodness to spread all over my body.

I felt at peace and ease.

The calm feeling filled my energetic body, but one corner of my body protested. A few areas in my chakras had densities, or snares. They radiated pain and suffering.

These blocks were exactly why I had sought healing…

My healer guided me through the next step of the exercise. We had spent time charging my energetic core, my light body, and now it was time to visit the dark.

Now we were on a mission to release the darkness.

I ventured towards the pain I held in my body and my psyche. As we began our work of feeling into the tight areas of my body, first emotions came up. Then, memories began to come up.

I began to understand why the pain was here, and what caused it. I began to remember. These memories were from past lifetimes.

What ensued was a re-living of several dramatic tales, all lived by my soul.

These were some grim lifetimes we waded through. No wonder they were causing me so much waking pain.

The traumas from these past lifetimes had waded into my present psyche. They were calling for my body to release them. To do so, I needed to remember, feel those emotions again, and then release them in love.

I needed to go back in time and heal myself.

One lifetime we worked with involved a sudden, public and traumatic death. I was a beautiful woman beheaded.

“What feelings are coming up?” My healer asked.

“Terror. Panic. Like I know I’m about to die, but it hasn’t happened yet.”

“Very good,” She said. “So there’s panic, there’s the body’s willpower here. We have the energies of survival here, still active.”

I nodded, feeling the panic and terror from my light bubble. My healer reminded me to reinforce my light bubble with the glow method when I felt like I was getting too close to the panic.

“We want to see and validate the emotions, but we don’t want to become them,” She reminded me.

“When we are firm in our light, the emotions will come into us and then pass quickly through us.”

Knowing that I was still connected to the pure benevolence and peace of the light, I waded into the panic.

I felt it wash over me.

“Ask her what she needs,” My healer called.

I envisioned myself of this lifetime. She was a beautiful woman.

It was time to release this woman from her tragic death.

Conjuring her in my third eye, I asked her what she would need to feel okay again.

“You can do anything,” I said to her. “I have come with the light, and now you are safe.”

At the time, I didn’t understand that we were rescuing part of my soul from the astral plane. I was indeed talking to my own soul fragment. Revisiting this incarnation of the past was to make contact with that soul, which remained tethered to the astral plane by trauma. I was experiencing another being, an astral soul, multidimensionally and in real time. At the time of the experience I was not aware of this. However I did know that I was not imagining or fabricating what was happening before my third eye. There was a certain element of hard core spiritual truth that let me know this was real.

I offered my light and love to her. I offered her the peaceful memory of Lemura. I offered her 5th dimensional love.

She was a bit distrusting of my presence at first, but soon recognized the light I was offering, and came to trust me, telling me that she’d like to drink coffee and sit by the river.

The most miserable things we tell ourselves is that we are ever alone. We are so intrinsically tied to each other.

I sat with her by the river, and imagined / manifested coffee. She was put off by the coffee I had conjured up, saying it was different than the kind she drinks. She wanted to show me. The kind she drinks is much more coarse.

Who knew what medieval coffee looked like!

“Ask her if she likes it,” my healer laughed, as I recounted the dialogue to her. I told her of the scene she and I were in, sitting on the bank of a beautiful river with a water spirit. This was where my incarnation had gone to be happy. I wasn’t surprised to know I loved this river in the past, for the water spirit was healthy and made good company.

She told me that she much preferred the coffee of today to the coffee of her day. She said, “I don’t have to pick the coarse bits out of my teeth!”

I laughed heartily, and in the physical my healer smiled.

“Ask her if she has anything for you.”

After joking and bonding over the medieval coffee, we both felt safe. The woman showed me something.

When we are healing a past lifetime, there is always a gift that we can take from that lifetime.

She showed me that she had become quite the talented seamstress. She wanted me to take her knowledge of sewing and tapestry making. I saw that she frequently weaved tapestries by the river in her lifetime. She wanted me to take this knowledge and use it in my current lifetime.

I breathed into the warm relief I was feeling. The densities in my chakras felt much lighter. Physically, I was feeling softer in the area of my body that had been tight and tense before.

I humbly thanked this woman, having completed our transaction with each other. I released her from her trauma, and she gave me her gifts. Yet there was still one more thing to do to complete this healing.

“Are you ready to visit your inner child?” My healer asked.

She explained that when we heal, we also heal generational and collective wounds. Our inner children experienced the reverberation of these wounds in our present day as they acted out in our psyches. I needed to locate where this wounding informed my inner child, and relieve her from this pain and terror as well.

“Yes,” I responded. I closed my eyes. My awareness traveled to the base of my spine, in the root. This is where the inner child resides.

“How is she doing?” My healer asked.

“I see her,” I responded. “She’s sitting at a table coloring.”

“Give her your light.”

I came near my small child, radiating light. She jumped up, eager to show me what she was drawing. I surrounded her in my light bubble and smiled.

“It’s a picture of a… stick figure family,” I said, hardly containing my laughter. This was a child’s drawing after all.

“Great. You’re doing great. Now ask her to tell you who they are.”

I asked. She pointed at each of the family members.

“It’s my family,” I said.

“Of course it is,” my healer chuckled.

“What does she say about each?”

I watched her point to each. When she arrived at Mom, she seemed to be a bit down.

“There we go,” said my healer.

My healer explained that she was not pointing to the literal person, my mother, but to the divine energy, the sacred mother, the feminine energy, to show me that this was where to find the wounding. It makes sense to me that my trauma as a woman would manifest in the female collective.

“Now, we are going ask our little girl what she needs.”

“She will have a clever way to release the pain. We’re also going to try something else. We’re going to ask her to use the element of fire. The fire is cleansing and empowering. She can do whatever she likes with it. Some client’s inner children like to breathe fire, some like to wave it around, everyone is unique.”

My lips rose to the corner of my mouth thinking of children playing with fire.

I turned to my little girl within my mind’s eye.

As I felt her with my psychic awareness, I also felt her presence in my muscle tissue. I was holding awareness across the physical, emotional, mental and subtle etheric / spiritual bodies at the same time. These sessions can be exhausting, but they are worth it.

“How would you like to cleanse this pain?” I asked her.

She showed me an ornate box. I understood that she would like to put the pain and terror inside this box. This beautiful box reminded me strongly of the tapestries my soul had made; for it was adorned with the same pattern of gold and purple.

She indicated that she would then like to burn the box. I lit the match.

We watched as it burned.

Something still was missing. She needed to do something active, not only watch passively, but do something to light her own fire.

“She wants to dance around the fire,” I said.

“Aha!” My healer cheered.

For that moment, we danced about and around the fire, chanting and kicking our knees high. I felt completely free!

The trauma had been released.

We celebrated openly and truly.

Thus came to a close my powerful healing.



I am a lightworker — To learn more divine truths, and to find guides for your own healing, follow me on this publication! Read more here:

thank you :)

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