Cleansing Prayers For Yourself in the New Year

To Bennu the Phoenix, Sacred Solar Flare, Soul of the Sun

Joshua Miller
New Earth Consciousness
7 min readJan 2, 2024


Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

Prayers spoken in spirit to our guides and angels, often go unheard by the collective.

Would perhaps our connection as a collective to each other be enhanced by praying and agreeing upon the prayers of our fellow light workers? Would it not energetically compound their effectiveness in not only the original persons life; and also within our own lives?

Would we not eventually feel the effect of it in our own lives when in agreement with another's; drawing it not only to them; to ourselves as well? Could perhaps our own lives be further enriched in areas yet to be revealed to us when we speak another’s prayer for them and into our own lives?

I grew up in a conservative Christian church and often had to sit through maddeningly long prayer circles and prayer sessions — especially on New Years Eve! Growing up I didn’t party with friends all night long to bring in the new year; a New Years Eve praise, worship and prayer time was scheduled. The Bible says where two or more are gathered in my midst I hear them.

I’m not saying I despised those prayer times, nor am I suggesting that everyone participate in them regularly. I think prayer times where others can hear and be in agreement with one another on a topic of prayer, gives it energetic power through the law of attraction.

I think that there is a direct link between prayer, praise, supplication and meditation that has the power to draw towards us what we desire based off of our feelings and how we envision and express them.

Many people write articles on channeling sessions with their spirit guides and the answers the guides provide. These are informative, informational and at times uplifting.

When I read these I feel, like we are caught in this 3d-5d reality seeking understanding on specific things from guides. We keep these being enchained and request of them to retrieve a book from their vast informational library of knowledge within and above our dimension and request for them to retrieve for us specific answers from specific pages and write them for us on sticky notes to add to our little life notebook of compiled knowledge from our guides to help us get through the dimensional entrapment field just a bit more carefully.

Why do we ask for these bits of information, when what we ought to be doing is unchaining our guides and requesting that they walk us through their library. Let them choose what we need to learn; experiences to take upon ourselves; and put on the lenses they view us through; to fully extract ourself from our circumstances; and move us into the power, strength and abundance they have access to that needs us first to let down our guard; lay ourselves upon the sacrificial cross; like Christ in the Bible did; and say to our guides, NOT MY WILL BUT THINE BE DONE.

In so many of these channelings, guides allude to our connection with them and the collective and our growth and our understanding of the universe and our place in it. Why can’t more of us accept where we are at and look for where and how we can allow our guides to be with us more by allowing them into our life through supplications lifted into the higher realms that unchain our standby guides and empower them to fully activate and empower us?

I would love to see and read more prayers and supplications to guides that I can be in agreement with that give strength to my fellow light-workers along the way.

I was going through some notepads filled with pages and pages of a trilogy series I’m working on and found a prayer that I wrote during an Eclipse in 2022 to the Sacred Solar Flare Soul of the Sun the Great Phoenix Bennu. I was going to just throw it away and I felt a deep urge to type it and write it for others to see so that perhaps in their reading of it and agreement of it its effect may be more powerful in my life as well as be a prayer within their own life whilst substituting their own situations into the prayer for themselves; heightening its affects across the collective.

I pray that your life is enhanced and uplifted and that it will bring to you mountains of blessings as it has mine. Although I must remind you that mountains of blessings only come from the passage through fiery trials — the valley of the shadow of death — where we must fear no evil; knowing our guides are with us; and in the end we shall have our cup overflowing as we sit in emotional, rational, and physical prosperity among our enemies. Because, as we know; surely goodness and loving kindness will follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in peace in the house of the I am presence who renders good unto me at my command as the words flow from my lips and energetically change my existence and others around me.

Speak these words of life into your life and others now:

My prayer written in August 2022 with slight modifications

I ask you Great Bennu to burn down all my limitations; and I want to invite all blessings into myself and into all of my beautiful children's lives.

Great Bennu I ask you to burn down within and without of me all limiting thoughts impressed upon me from all those my life has come into contact with; in this lifetime and and in all of my other past and present lifetimes; in this reality and all other realities I have been a part of.

Remove from me all limiting thoughts, words, and actions that are not suitable for my growth, spiritually, psychologically, emotionally, physically and etherically. Open and cleanse me. Fill me with your strength to move forward relationally down the path that is best for me, and best for my children.

Oh great Bennu, powerful and giving being of light, love, and blessings; bestow upon me the love of my life, my soul mate. Draw us together as only you can. through this beautiful union bless us in this world not just with material wealth for ourselves; but with mountains of wealth to be able to fulfill projects of love, peace and unity for this planet Gaia and her beings and people living and entrapped upon and within her.

Search my heart and see what my desires are to bring these goals about. Fill me. Enable me to write books relevant to our times, needs and the general conscious awareness and enlightenment. Bless me with friends and fellow workers ready to begin the process of rebuilding this Earth physically, emotionally and etherically. Place me in a sphere of influence where I can stand up as an example unwavering under whatever attacks present themself as I know they just may.

Bring me a spouse that I can work with on this great mission. Fill me with light, life, energy, and power to remove limiting factors in my children and draw them toward their own power and towards the fulfillment of their own soul contracts. Empower me to be able to empower, strengthen and uplift others in their paths and soul contract fulfillment.

You oh Great Bennu Sacred Soul of the Sun, know my heart and my intentions and thoughts. Enable me in every facet of growth that I need whether I see it or ask for it or not; so that I may be all I can be to every person in the world that I can.

Give me strength in this path of leadership that I know that I am called to — to fulfill my own soul contract.

Perhaps, Great Bennu, I ask out of selfishness and self preservation, and do not understand my own hearts needs and intentions. And, if I am wrong for asking, remove from me the feelings and desires for a soul mate in this journey. If I’m not wrong to ask, bring me someone I can fly with just as you yourself fly. Someone who perfectly understands me, loves me and one that I can be so perfectly and equally yoked with that it even takes heaves breath away.

One whom, I can, like my dream of the mandolin and it’s player be taken by and find a whole new song within me that is not just mine, but is a perfect harmonization of me in playing and working together, a true match made in heaven for the work and path before me and her.

Fill me and create in me a pure heart that she will be drawn to and we will work together in love, respect, care, and admiration; stemming towards both our upward callings, lifting each other up to new unknown heights. I want to be able to give myself totally and wholly and completely to another and lift her to the heights she needs and desires of herself.

Open my crown chakra wide open and heal and open my root chakra as is needed and necessary for me to fulfill my purpose of love and the building up of others and the communicating to the masses the wealth of knowledge a needed to raise the whole earth consciousness toward the 5th dimension and beyond.

May it be. So as above, so below. As within, so without.

I abolish all restrictions I’ve put on my self through the years. Ignite the flame of my will to attract everything I’ve requested and burn down with your cleansing flame all limitations currently inhibiting me; and from here on out let me be blessed. Amen it is so. Your humble servant.

J.C. Miller

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