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Collective Consciousness: What Is It and How Can We Tap Into It?

Everything Is Connected on a Deeper Level

New Earth Consciousness
5 min readMay 26, 2022


Collective Consciousness Summarized (Picture designed with Canva Premium)

We are all connected. We can feel it when we see a beautiful sunset, or when we experience the joy of a loved one. There is something more to life than just what we can see and touch. Science is just beginning to unlock the secrets of consciousness, and more and more people are recognizing the power of the collective mind.

What is Collective Consciousness?

First of all, there are different levels of consciousness. There is individual consciousness, which is what each of us experiences every day. Then there is collective consciousness, which is the shared experience of all humanity. Finally, there is universal consciousness, which is the infinite intelligence that pervades all of creation.

Individual | Collective | Universal Consciousness (Picture designed with Canva Premium)

Collective consciousness arises when individual minds come together and share their knowledge, experiences, and beliefs. This can happen in groups or it can happen on a global scale.



New Earth Consciousness

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