Communicating Self-Awareness and Cosmic Consciousness: Discovering Your Talents

Main Quest Of The Earth Game

Yolk Gemini
New Earth Consciousness
3 min readAug 5, 2024


People who haven’t found their talents surely don’t know the meaning of their lives.

But why do we say this?

Recently, I observed carefully and found that the reason these people find life particularly boring is that they don’t know who they are. They haven’t discovered their talents.

So, I always say that everyone needs to wake up.

At the very least, wake up to know what your mission and talents are.

Now look around. Some people follow whatever others do, but if it’s not their forte, how can they succeed?

Nowadays, it’s not just about having a certificate to claim you’re highly skilled and capable of teaching others.

You might be an expert at studying, excel in exams, and score 100, but you can’t guarantee your students will also score 100.

Some people possess knowledge, yet, like a teapot cooking dumplings, they struggle to pour it out.

So, all of this requires wisdom.

Some people have talent but lack the ability to express it; they can’t output it, and others can’t get it.

Therefore, I believe it’s crucial for everyone to discover their talents and passions, as failing to do so can lead to significant pain.

If you fail to discover your life’s rhythm, mission, and talent, you tend to emulate others’ life paths.

Getting a job at 20, marrying at 30, and sending kids to school at 40.

Living a completely mechanized life lacks self-exploration and true meaning.

Machines operate by rules, but humans should have higher pursuits.

Some people live with constant worry about the future, confirming the importance of death through various phenomena, which can be a very painful state of living.

This world can’t tolerate any falsehood. Why do we say this?

If your desires don’t truly benefit this world or the universe, they are unlikely to be realized.

Even if they do, they will revert to their previous state.

Some people may ask, “Why can’t I achieve anything I say?”

Why do I want to attract someone I like back, but even if they return, they eventually leave?”

That’s because this person’s overall frequency doesn’t match yours, and they won’t stay by your side for long.

Even if you use some means to pull them back now, they will eventually leave.

In other words, when your inner wishes don’t align with this universe’s frequency, they will be lost.

So what can truly make this world — this universe — better?

It’s everything related to love.

Love is not possession, not kidnapping, not control, not profit-driven.

Love is selfless.

You might think this seems grandiose, but truly awakened people have grand inner wishes.

As humans, we can start by influencing and changing the people around us, gradually expanding our influence and letting them shine for this cause too.

Then your influence will become greater.

Consequently, we shouldn’t start with grand things; we should first change ourselves and then gradually expand these influences.

It’s quite easy to accomplish this without thinking, “I want to have a particularly big wish later; what should I do now? I need to connect with many resourceful people to create something.”

Instead of achieving the goal for the sake of achieving it, this starting point is fear and desire, not love.

When there’s not love, it will fail.

You will find that after all the effort, it still ends up being nothing.

So, I think every awakened person should focus on their beliefs and what they have already practiced; focus on the tasks at hand.

At this time, external things will often push you into that position.

Really, don’t be too anxious; anxiety is the entanglement of karma.

Life is a gradual process. By maintaining patience and focus, you will eventually find your own unique path.

Focus on the present, on love, on finding your talent and mission, and your life will shine with infinite brilliance.



Yolk Gemini
New Earth Consciousness

Editor of Twin Flame. I share my twin flame experiences and the messages I've received here. My mission is to convey these most sincere messages and share love.